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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Akro tri colored patch with oxblood. It came with I guess around 100 of them. Some were just weak ones, some were the normal ones, and some had rich bold coloration and I think two had the double ribbon like this. I guess the contents of a box that stayed together through the years. All were dead mint. Here are some pics of the lot, one with some of the best ones pulled out
  2. X 2 on Alley for the first, then Vitro and then Akro.
  3. cheese


    I agree with Master but I theink it's been more than buffed. It's been ground and polished. A good bit has been removed fromt he surface.
  4. I think the red one (1st marble) is a Kokomo. Not positive on the others, some are contenders.
  5. Yes, I remember years ago telling a fellow collector that he was looking at all marbles though CAC colored glasses. It happens. When we are after a certain maker, we want them all to be from that maker. I guess that's one benefit of collecting all makers instead of specializing. Most of all, I want accuracy. It's hard to attain sometimes.
  6. I'd call it Heaton. Several with that base, which I have found was likely purchased from houze glass, were dug at the factory site.
  7. cheese


    Alley, St. Mary's.
  8. Right Ric, that one doesn't belong. I'm not sure why I had it with the CACs. Those were some I took a few years back, some trying to match with cullet and stuff. I should edit it.
  9. I think Peltier too. Why can't you post over at AAM? Technical issue?
  10. X2 Ravenswood. What you doing on here Ron, you gotta get up and check out in the morning lol! (me too). As if we haven't seen enough marbles this week
  11. I agree. You can tell them apart most of the time.
  12. Wow, nice stuff. Love the carved niche for the pocket knife! Here is some of my Akro ware. I think I have more but I'm not sure where it is right now.
  13. Nice box and useful. So many want to call that left row Akro.
  14. I agree, the only marble I know of as a Colorado is the one shown in the very first pic. I also wonder why it's called that.
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