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Everything posted by cheese

  1. I wonder what happened to the forum member from years ago named Road Dog. I recall he had some purple on opaque white corks. 2 or 3 maybe.
  2. Nice one Chad! Leastsound, yes! Zakjak, Heatons range from 21/32" down. Anything over was a mistake and not normal production. Some larger ones were dug and they pretty much always have cold rolls, surface abnormalities, and are our of round. They didn't have a shooter machine but double ingots and things happened occasionally, making an unintentional bigger marble. I don't see any blue denims in your group. I do see a nice Blackberry.
  3. Some I got together in a lot that have been together all these years. Yellow on white. I don't think they are quite in the "rare" category or anything but not as common as others. The second pic you show is a peltier rainbo, a common one.
  4. Try purple on opaque white cork. Very htf.
  5. I found a huge dump... huge as in the city dump from the 1820s to 1920s. It covers many many acres and you can fill semi trucks with the bottles there. I haven't dug it in over 10 years but there are tons of bottles like these. If the market ever gets good for these old bottles, I'll have to visit it more often. I used to go with a big frame hiking pack and a shovel and axe. I had so many bottles but gave most away after getting tired of being surrounded by so many old bottles. We found some straight sided coke bottles too, glass insulators, opium bottles, poison bottles, a hutchinson or two, old fruit jars, etc...
  6. Bumping to the top with a couple more of my best. Alley:
  7. Correct, all Vitros. The purple/white/blue ones are a little harder to find.
  8. Thank you! Another of my best. Unfortunately it has a fracture but it doesn't in these pics. I don't know when or how it happened. Just appeared one day.
  9. Nice volcano in those Heatons Mojo. Nice Alleys Marboman.
  10. A recent find. A bunch of St. Mary's Alleys that all stayed together through all the years. A group pic and then shots of all the different types separated into groups. Common marbles but I like to find them this way.
  11. New old stock was available for sale at the Museum of American glass in West Virginia at one time. I think they were 14 bucks or something like that. Not sure if they still are.
  12. Yeah Ric, my camera fails miserably when yellow is involved. I don't know why. It throws the color balance way off, these aren't true to color. I can get a little better results doing one marble at a time but still have problems. Here is a better representation of the colors. Thanks Gladys!
  13. Funny, I just took a pic of this box a few nights ago before putting them away. Two types in the box I think. I've been calling the bright red/yellow ones hot wheels and leaving the darker ones like the one in the bottom right corner with the pumpkin designation.
  14. Great pics! Nice to put a face to the name Ric! Love the dug marbles! One more pic for the thread
  15. No, it has no name that I know of.
  16. Good description Ric. Also in the top left you see a "fern" pattern, which normally indicates Alley.
  17. The Heaton Sweet potato, a group of presentation photos demonstrating the reason they got their name and several examples of the different types. I was weeding the garden today and decided to pull up one of the sweet potatoes to check and see how they are doing. This was the biggest one I could feel in the dirt, so I grabbed it and one thing led to another Also, when you cut into a fresh sweet potato, you get a white milky sap that beads up on it. Makes it match even more.
  18. Thanks, I think it's probably part of the "Lilac" family from the 1980s.
  19. Cool, no problem Ric! I like it way better than a purple Tater anyway, that marble is one of very few in it's class.
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