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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Heatons are good for a lot of "C"s, "G"s, and "D"s. Here is one with oxblood, no single pic on file but it's the top middle view. A "G".
  2. Thanks! Yes, I've been calling this one "lava flow" and made a photo to match a few years ago.
  3. May have been in a house fire. I've found ones at old house sites with weird surfaces like this.
  4. A Neon Bee Tan based Christmas Tree A double ingot rainbo An odd rainbo shooter Odd metallic on this PPP Odd coverage on this guy
  5. I agree with Alley. No ox though.
  6. Lots of "advertising" bags too. Bags that say "Tydol" and "Wendy's" and "Texaco" and that sort of thing... fresh of the printer. Sold as vintage to unsuspecting buyers. Fake Comic marbles, fake logo marbles, modern sulphides, and so-on. Thankfully most are easily recognized with a little bit of study and familiarization right here on actual marble forums. The best places to learn about marbles on the internet. (Better is face to face hands -on).
  7. I'd like to see them as well.
  8. Absolutely. Lots of them sold by unscrupulous sellers.
  9. I would call it Asian also, not knowing who made it, or when, or 100% for sure that it is Asian. It just has the look that matches in my mind with other known Asian marbles. If we withhold an answer when we don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt, then very few marble identification posts will get answered. Especially when it comes to lesser known foreign types. Green tint to the transparent glass and vanes and streamers from pole to pole, I think Asian. Clear un-tinted or light blue tinted glass and lots of strands from pole to pole, I think European. Might be wrong occasionally but I think that's right most of the time and that's about as good I can do based on the knowledge I have. When I was working hard on the swirls (still am), I decided to force myself to name a maker for every one. It's too easy to say "I don't know" and move on to the next one, but that didn't help anything. So now if I think it's 55% chance of Ravenswood and 45% Alley, I say I think it's a Ravenswood. That's the same thing I think most of us do with these foreign types... go with what it feels like and give an answer because that's better than leaving a member with an unanswered question. I don't think it's based on any discovery of new foreign types or anything, just what matches best.
  10. Good Job Josh, I was leaning Vitro FWIW... would have been wrong.
  11. Pretty sure this is a magic marker marble, one of the decorated media balls that are sold as old clay marbles.
  12. Pics 2 and 5 really do look like JABO to me. I'm seeing possibilities of the Exotic conquerors like I'llhavethat showed too, but I have never seen a Vitro exotic shooter that I recall? I'm not making an ID for sure so that I'll have a back door to escape out of . Here are some photos of my exotics to compare with, all these are 5/8i" though. The larger vitros almost always are wilder.
  13. Thanks Chad, here are a couple more. Just took some pics last night.
  14. Great! Glad to know... that's part of why I do it; documentation. Here's a Sistersville I left out.
  15. Oh, lol, I think I do remember you taking that picture now. I thought maybe another one popped up since then. There must be more out there somewhere, same with the Razzle Dazzles!
  16. I have been adding to this thread with different Heaton types for a couple years now. I plan to continue to as I find more types and variations. There are 3 pages, go to page 3 for the shots of the ones I've documented from the digs.
  17. I got so busy for a bit after I posted that last post that I completely forgot to come back and finish it up. Being self employed with 2 different ventures going at the same time gets hairy sometimes. Forgive me, but better late than never I guess. I don't have a fancy background to juice this one up (pun intended), but these were called blueberry grapes. A lot of these are in champion collections but Heaton made them, or at least some of them. There were many halves found at the loading dock where we know the night shift rolled hot barrels of marbles out at night and they cooled too quickly and were dumped. I will try to get pics of the last few named ones soon.
  18. Just a few more. Trying to get a photo documentation of every type I can, other than the regular common one color swirls.
  19. Some Pennsboros from the same time period, a few rare halloween varieties in the bunch.
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