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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Couple more Sistersvilles. I think that first one in my last Sistersville post is actually an early Pennsboro.
  2. Hard to say with just one pic. $5 to $50 depending on pattern and condition.
  3. Wow, great scores here! Been a while since I scored a big group, aside from digging or friends. One of my last ones was this lot of exotic conquerors:
  4. Vacor on left and nice Ravenswood on right
  5. cheese


    Vacor on both is my vote.
  6. That blue eggyolks in shooter size will have some value even if it does have a small ding or two, unless it's much worse than the pics show.
  7. To me the quest for information and building the mental database is a big part of the lure. Being over there and finding so many of these, I would be tempted to look into and ask around about marble companies in your part of the world. Not everything is known about them. Winnie was a marble fanatic (RIP) from your part of the world who was a valuable resource, went out and did the digging and came up with provenance about the wirepulls, attributing them to Veilligglas, and some other European marble info. That work is still unfinished IMO, as we don't know where the majority of your marbles came from. The reason nobody can tell you who made them is we don't know. If you can find out what company made them and where it was, they will suddenly have more collectability simply because they can be attributed to something/someone/somewhere. Right now these types are in people's mystery boxes with no info. I said on another forum that I thought they were foreign to the US and somewhat resembled Akros and Vitros but that they were off enough that I had to go with foreign. Never said they were "fake".
  8. Holy cow!! Love that Master box! The vitros are nice too but some super masters in there! Nice boxes!
  9. I've been thinking these marbles shown lately are likely foreign too but I don't know who made them. They are similar enough to Akros and Vitros to make me consider them as a maker but off enough that I don't think they are.
  10. On those swirls Steph, after talking with some others, I do think the simple swirls were accidental. Apparently if the marble machine gets out of alignment with the tank, the stream drags on one side and causes it to fold, making the simple swirl pattern. With all the machinery moving, the machine can vibrate out of place a little and start making swirls. The operator notices and knocks it back in place again. Whether or not that's what happened with the more involved swirls, I don't know. Just wanted to correct my previous thoughts, don't want to spread bad info.
  11. Yes, Bogard made cateyes that look nearly identical to peltier bananas. Lots of green ones especially.
  12. Some more. Love the opalescent almost "moonie" type base ones with the brown, such contrast. I think the green banana cat eye in green glass is likely Bogard. Don't miss the AV vanes in that other cateye.
  13. I agree, JABO, JABO, Alley, Vacor, JABO.
  14. Agreed, the wirepulls alone are worth more than that for sure! The cork I agree is not Akro, it's a transitional.
  15. Lol posted at the same time Josh!
  16. Vitro and Peltier made patch and ribbon types of marbles, this is a swirl type, so you can pretty much eliminate those makers although Peltier did make some swirls back in the 30s that are usually pretty distinct. At that size I would suspect JABO and Alley. I don't see any strong Alley traits, I guess I'd go with JABO.
  17. Knowing your location is in the Netherlands would help over here. The first one IMO is a Japanese figure 8. The rest I lose track.
  18. Maybe a wonky foreign transitional?
  19. Impressive on the Heaton call Chad, you got it. I would guess Alox on the amber clear swirl but tough to say with certainty.
  20. I agree with Peltier. Nice one!
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