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Everything posted by cheese

  1. Definitely not Taterbugs. Champions IMO.
  2. The Heaton Black Cherry. Ron named this one. They have a rich dark cherry red that goes deep and is transparent. The base is nice and clean white. The quality is superior to most of the red/white marbles Heaton made. These are much less common than the usual red/white ones. Little to no bleeding, no orange or brown. The construction is a common Heaton loop and tail just like the firecrackers and Red Roses and many others, including the clip on the blank side but these tend to be a little busier. Nice one to look at for a simple color combo. Val found a few stuck together and I found this flat one that must've missed the rollers or something.
  3. The Heaton Fawn got it's name innocently enough. They showed up at every dig, there were a lot of them and around the loading dock especially. I believe it was Ron that said that the base glass color was Vitrolite and Vitrolite's name for that color was "fawn". So occasionally someone would say something like "Boy, I sure am finding a lot of those fawn colored ones" and so on until they were just referred to as "Fawns". So that's how they got named, it was just how things worked out over time. Although they are plentiful, finding a mint one has proven to be difficult. The purple fractured a lot, and this purple was also susceptible to glass sickness, so many have abalone or even a heavier striation to it that looks like golden metallic. Like golden hair. I've nicknamed those "Argonauts" because of Jason and the Golden Fleece, although that's not an official name. The purple is Wissmach glass, which probably explains the fractures. I dug a lot of Wissmach glass down from the loading dock, most of it in greens and this purple. Then you can also find these fawns with other colors in them, like bright blue, which would make it a Blue Fawn or grey with it would make it a Grey Fawn, etc... but they all have the purple in them. The Blue Fawns are striking and HTF. A typical Heaton Fawn Here's one with the metallic look from being buried for so long Here are some Blue Fawns Mine and Val's combined here: And in a few rare instances, they can get really fancy
  4. No Heatons here. The left one is likely Ravenswood. Top I'm not sure, maybe JABO. Right may be Champion, bottom I'd go Ravenswood.
  5. Nice Akros being posted! Here are a few to add:
  6. A lot I got a while back with lots of glowers and yellow brushed patches which I believe are fairly htf.
  7. I agree, except for the left one I believe is Vacor. Champion likely for the right.
  8. I can see why^ I would too. Reminds me of a Pelt rainbo that has pretty much the exact same color combo.
  9. Yep, I see a Cucumber, Blackberry, Beautyberry, and a Robin egg. The red one I can't really tell if it's a Volcano. I can't tell if that's a tan or white ribbon with it. The volcano needs to have tan with it and they have transparent clear or smoky clear in them which I'm not seeing in that one. I've found some that look more like yours too and think they are very nice Heatons but not the volcanos and not as common as volcanos.
  10. I actually traded for that one just recently. Not sure where he got it from but I think he just recently got it. I traded some dirty dug Heatons for it.
  11. Looks JABO to me as well.
  12. I'm so glad to have been able to dig Heaton. Good to see so much unknown stuff come out of the ground that helped get marbles out of our unknown swirls boxes. Heaton was so fun to dig, I loved hitting that vein of marbles, the fellowship with other diggers, and the terrific friends made in the process. We laughed, talked until the early morning hours, looked at countless marbles, got a gun pulled on us, and all sorts of memorable things Life memories. Val says it's one of her favorite things she's ever done in her life too.
  13. Yep, I was on late last night. I think of all the places needing to be dug and needing documentation, Heaton was probably the one needing it most. We had no idea. We thought Heaton only made 20 or so types and most of them were "blah". Now so many marbles that were in our Champions and Ravenswoods have provenance and others we didn't even know about are found. I found a lot on ebay that I determined were mostly Heatons and some of the named types were in it, so they have been out there. I know another guy who just bought a big lot at an estate sale and lo and behold, they are Heatons, many of the same ones we dug and a few that I haven't seen yet, so they are out there, we just have to make the connection to the maker. This is why I'm sharing so many Heaton photos. Some new collectors and even some old collectors are stating that Heaton is now their favorite swirl maker! Can you imagine? Little old Heaton that 2 years ago nobody cared about is now the favorite of some. They really did make a variety of excellent marbles. This type marble we looked over a bit and I looked at Ron and said, this marble makes me feel cold. He grinned and turned his notepad with potential names on it and was pointing at the name "Iceberg". So we all agreed that is the appropriate name for this one. I like it. Blue, white, and brown tracer. These are more common than ones like the Blue Denim but I'm not sure there are enough for all collectors. Maybe more will come out of existing collections. I bet 200 or so were found based on what I saw in our buckets and figuring how many other people got buckets. The Heaton Iceberg:
  14. Thanks for the input! Next: These Heatons always appealed to me. I was picking out handfuls every time we washed a bucket at Ron's house. I never could figure out a name for them. They are dark, smoky, mysterious, purple and grey and dark magic green/brown. Voodoo. That's it! Heaton Voodoo.
  15. I know, right?! But the good thing is you can recognize Heaton's pattern in almost every one of them. The glass too in some of them. That one particular purple color is found in a lot of them. It's Wissmach, I dug several pieces of it from the cullet pile. Probably explains why it fractured a lot on some marbles too.
  16. Dumping pics left and right. I think Heaton has stolen the stage, who knew they made so many!?!?
  17. From what I see, I would start with Akro at 11:00. then going clockwise I would say Peltier, then Champion, then Ravenswood, then another Ravenswood and Alley in the center.
  18. One site I know of that could probably be walked but it's been heavily dug and now the homeless live on it. Someone was killed there a while back.
  19. The marble sites are private property or government property and they fight poachers all the time. Daily. You may have no problem or you may have serious problems. One factory site is owned by the local magistrate judge ( I know him) and he shows up at random times and has trail cameras out.
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