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Everything posted by cheese

  1. This one is my favorite Heaton type I think. The Heaton Mint Chocolate Chip. I love these. Self explanatory I think on the colors.
  2. Well the Heaton digs are officially over now, and there are many to be cleaned still, but some of the nicer notable ones have gotten some attention and acquired names either during the digs or afterwards while cleaning and sorting. I'll kick this off with a few and update periodically, or others who know the new named types are also welcome (encouraged) to contribute. I'll start off with the Heaton Firecracker. It has the classic Heaton ear or circle and tail construction. It is built just like the Heaton Red Rose, just different colors. These also exhibit the clip of color on the back side, just like the Red Roses. The Firecracker has an opaque white base and transparent electric yellow and red ribbon. One of the few Heatons that exhibit the color yellow. All are 5/8" or close.
  3. We did get one more dig this last weekend. A two day dig, and as we packed our stuff the excavator was bringing in fill dirt. The marbles will be 10 feet under in no time. That was the last dig. Val (my wife) found the string for the bag this last dig. I'll show pics soon. There will be a thread with named heatons soon as well. Some amazing outstanding examples will be shown too, Heaton will be a much more common name in the marble world than it used to be.
  4. Thanks, the blue and orange are neat ones. That's more of a brown chemical reaction between the blue and orange, rather than oxblood. It makes for a nice effect though. There are so many color combos from Akro it's probably near infinity
  5. Ah, ok we posted at the same time. Trying the usual method now
  6. Thanks Jason, trying a another option now to see if it works. Craig told me that using direct viewer links works now instead of the full BB code.
  7. I assume it came with some string in the bag, along with a dozen or so marbles. Wish we found more but hey, one of a kind is cool too. Thanks Steph!
  8. Thanks Chad, that link to the heaton archive on AAM wasn't supposed to be in this, I'm not sure how it got posted. This is supposed to be photos of a new type of heaton bag. I edited to remove the link although anyone is welcome to look at it. I posted most of those pics here as well in Steph's study hall.
  9. *Edit* Steph can you please copy this and repost so the pics will work until we figure out why my pics won't post anymore? While digging 4 feet down at the Heaton factory, this came up in my shovel. I almost tossed it but it had those rounded corners and I thought, "that looks like a marble pouch", so I grabbed it. Sure enough, it still has print on it. It says Big Shot marbles int he center, as we know Heaton used for their logo, and above that it says "To Open Cut Here" then "To Make Pouch - Punch Holes" and then "Insert Strings". Then below the logo it says M.F.G. By Heaton Agate Company Pennsboro West Virginia. Ron confirmed it is an unknown type bag. The bag is not seamed together well. I'm not sure if that's why it was tossed, or if they never could get it to work right and it was an abandoned project, or if it's a type of bag that was marketed. Either way, it's a rare bag and pretty decent considering it's been buried for 70 years. There was a seagrams 7 bottle unearthed in the hole with it, dated 1951.
  10. Trying again for the heck of it: [img]https://i.ibb.co/B2BpQ4t/Copy-of-Presentation-Untitled-Design-49.jpg[/img]
  11. No, I'm copying them from IMGBB and pasting them here. It works on other sites, just not this one.
  12. I'm posting pics the same way I have for years but now it just shows the address to the pic, not even clickable. Steph copied my links and posted them and the pics showed up fine for her, why not when I do it? Something has changed. Trying again now. [img]https://i.ibb.co/BCY9hT0/DSC06301.jpg[/img]
  13. I agree with Al. All Alleys in the top group.
  14. Thanks Steph, not sure what's going on. At least you got them to show up.
  15. That is one top shelf Master! Love it. Master did use a fair amount of purple and lavender. Here are some examples from my collection for comparison: [img]https://i.ibb.co/0pbbLFW/Copy-of-Copy-of-Untitled-Design-45.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/0fBt1y0/Copy-of-Copy-of-Copy-of-Copy-of-Presentation-Untitled-Design-2019-08-16-T012246-720.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/nCL8MhY/Copy-of-Copy-of-Copy-of-Copy-of-Presentation-Untitled-Design-2019-08-16-T012448-189.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/Y8GM1Xp/masterade.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/Q650QXz/DSCN5114.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/Ytsg4xy/DSCN5086.jpg[/img] Edit... why don't my photo links work here anymore?
  16. Starting at 12:00 and going clockwise, I would say Alley, Champion, Champion, Alley, and Heaton.
  17. I agree with Master. Those are about as close to red as I have ever seen for a Master Brushed patch. I'm holding on to the hope that one exists somewhere.
  18. cheese


    My understanding is that they were only taken home by workers and such, not marketed to the public by Champion (because of all the fractures which equate to inferior marbles).
  19. The first marble is not a furnace type. It is a late champion, not a hot wheels but part of the same family. It's called a red cloud. #4 on this ordering list. This photo I believe is David Chamberlain's if I remember right.
  20. And a clambroth, smoky grey pelt, several CACs, nice haul!
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