The Alley Tater Bug was named I think by Sammy Hogue if I remember right, because the colors reminded him of a taterbug. They look like this
And then the marbles with the name Lady in the Alleys have this lavender color, shown in the opal lady, blue lady, and others:
So, the lady tater requires knowledge of the previous types to make sense. The Lady Tater Bug is the same marble as the Taterbug, but with the addition of the lady color lavender. That's the way I understand it at least. There is a green tater and orange tater too. I've seen another marble that doesn't have the taterbug base and it has a pinkish ribbon and folks calling it a Lady Tater too. Maybe the name has encompassed those? An example like it is in the Alley book. Here's mine, a gift from a good marble friend: