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Everything posted by Marbleized

  1. I love all you people on Marble Connection!! Always open for discussion and willing to help!! I'm learning so much!! Now if only I can remember all that I'm learning. 🥴
  2. Thanks Steph! It's a really nice marble with really clear glass, not the tinted glass that I see in the Asian cat eyes (if that is even an indicator). I guess it's in the "keep just because it's nice" category for me. LOL! Hope you and the fur babies are doing well!
  3. Always great photography Chad! (Even without your glasses!) You even have foreign marbles that I've never seen live! Especially love the lime green looking wire pull.
  4. Just found out that one of my now favorite marbles is a foreign marble. Just wondering if anyone else has a few in their collection to share. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Ric! I love it! I called it a chameleon because some of it reminded me of so many different types. The colors also remind me of another foreign marble I have somewhere and parts of it reminded me of a Master, and because it had some vanes like a cat eye, I thought it might be a vitro.
  6. Nice pics! Glitters like a room with a spinning disco ball. Only, way nicer.
  7. Just wondering if anyone can post some Ravenswoods with these colors for comparison. Thanks.
  8. Oops! Just saw the answer to my question. 🥴
  9. Beautiful marble! Just a question, are all Ravenswoods less than ⅝ "?
  10. Mojo, I'm a newbie (been around since the middle of 2019) and just wanted to say that I enjoy all the marble pics that you post. I still can't always see the difference between a "foreign" and a Master. I would have thought that your pic is a Master if you didn't say what it was.
  11. Jabos except for the pic of the box lot, right? Is that last one a Jabo too?
  12. Thanks Gladys! The ribbons do look like they are dancing in a breeze. 😃
  13. Never heard of it, but, I took more photos in some better lighting and was pleasantly surprised at the clarity and colors in this marble. Here are more pics.
  14. Alley was my feeling for the 3rd, too. Thanks on the Jabo confirmation.
  15. ID help would be very much appreciated. Here are three marbles that I found at an antique shop (I think). I'm thinking the middle one is a Jabo. Maybe the third one is too (but I don't see the typical diaper fold among all the swirls). The first one is cool to see all the ribbons weaving in and out. Thanks.
  16. I need help in ID'ing this marble. It looks like a messed up vitro cat eye, but some of the color is on the surface like a Master Sunburst. At the surface the streaks include a blue and brown that blend into a purple. There are a couple of vanes and one that sort of looks like a blobbish vane. The clear base is very clear. Thanks for everyone's help in advance!
  17. Thanks for asking this question. I too don't hear the words being spoken so when talking about it I would always say, "Jay-Bo . . . Jab-o ... how ever it is pronounced." Now I don't have to use so many words.LOL! Some of my favorite marbles are Jabos. Especially the classics made of transparent colored glass and UV glass.
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