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Everything posted by Berryb

  1. I have heard black and dark purple in combos with any other colors are pretty HTF. Thanks Bruce
  2. Swirl. Slags have white swirled into a transparent, colored base. Thanks Bruce
  3. Akro made some swirls that are kinda ignored but still nice. Thanks Bruce
  4. Berryb

    I.d help

    I'd call it a "flintie". Thanks Bruce
  5. Berryb

    Wet Mint

    I think a "10" has no room for improvement. A mint marble is rare if they even exist. I don't believe many, or any, even left the factory as Mint. I think knowing that there are no 10s out there makes damage easier to live with. Thanks Bruce
  6. Looks like beach glass to me. I like it. It may have more value to a beach glass collector than a mib collector. Thanks Bruce
  7. Oddly the color cerise is closer to hot pink than red. Thanks Bruce
  8. Berryb

    Big Slag

    I have this auger that has very similar if not identical colors. Mine is not so large though, under an inch.
  9. You must go to better shops than I do. Usually when I see a jar of mibs in a shop it's one or two usedta be nice ones and a bunch of slingshot ammo. Thanks Bruce
  10. Sorry I guess the thread was movin' too fast for me. I thought we were talkin' about the one directly above my post. This calls for closer scrutiny on my part. Thanks Bruce
  11. Got a couple of these as stocking stuffers. Got the rest in a jar at an antiques mall for a couple of bucks. Thanks Bruce
  12. So the ox isn't chocolate the base is? Thanks Bruce
  13. I think it's a swirl, not a slag. But a dandy anyway. Thanks Bruce
  14. The knife is used/sharpened, but finding another knife that fits that box, that exactly would be very difficult. If found I would say it would be a knife of the same period. I can check with the experts If I have permission to use the photos. These guys would look at it from a knife perspective and may have seen the box before. Thanks Bruce
  15. Where do I find them? Thanks Bruce
  16. The Syracuse knife co. is a trade mark used by Camillus from 1935-40 so that prob'ly helps date the box. Thanks Bruce
  17. An amber/yellow cork. I was told they are pretty rare. Thanks Bruce
  18. The fitting is just a cap. The other end has what at first appears to be a square end but on further inspection is 2 flat parallel sides and 2 rounded sides. Threaded inside, so just an end cap. Thanks Bruce
  19. Berryb

    CAC ?

    In Block's 5th edition, page 75 (CAC starts on pg. 71) ...".Bloodies, which is the name used by the company, are an opaque white base with transparent red and translucent brown swirls. ..... American Agates, again the name used by the company, are an opaque white to opalecent white base with a swirl that ranges from translucent electric red to transparent electric orange." Note the spelling of "Bloodies" as opposed to "Bloodys". This is my only source, it may be wrong, but seems generally to be pretty close to the mark. thanks Bruce
  20. Berryb

    CAC ?

    With the brown stripe doesn't that make it a "bloodie" ? Thanks Bruce
  21. I had this rainbo stuck in a pipe fitting for quite a while, it came that way in a drawer bottom lot. I thought the only way it was comin' out was to destroy the marble. I had it on a shelf. A couple of days ago I was messin' around with the shelf and it rolled off. It hit the counter and the mib popped out. Clear blue base with coral stripes. What used to be a marble in a pipe fitting is now just another rainbo in the jar. Thanks Bruce
  22. This globe qualifies as "anything round". Even if the south pole is flat. Thanks Bruce
  23. I have some others, but the fish was easy to get to. Thanks Bruce
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