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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. First looks like a Possible Alley :: second is an agate (mineral sphere) :: 3rd looks like a polymer (is it lighter than the rest) :: 5th Akro corkscrew
  2. I don't know who the maker is but maybe someone will ??
  3. x2, all 3 contemporary, do I see an initial on the pontil of this one ?? Looks like maybe an S ??
  4. Pretty sure the last 2 are Peltier, first one looks like a Christmas tree & maybe the second as well. Hopefully @Nantucketdink will chime in a bit later and have a little more info on the contemp's for ya ??
  5. First 4 pix are all Contemporary design (are there any initials or a year anywhere on them ?) maybe @Nantucketdink will have an idea on the correct maker ? Last 2 maybe vintage Peltier, hard to be positive from the pix.
  6. A looksee @ some examples of oxblood, oxblood is usually opaque when the marble is backlit Example (Akro experimental oxblood) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Other examples (but not all) of oxblood :: Akro Lemonade Oxblood Akro Blue Oxblood Akro Milky Oxblood Akro Egg Yolk Oxblood Akro Silver Oxblood
  7. Looks like a good possibility of ox to me
  8. Now I see it barely in #5, some faceting, I looked again and again for initials, still leaning vintage myself. Good eye Brad, thanks for the heads up
  9. I live right along the Columbia River in WA. state not to awful far from Brad up North. When I'm fishing I watch them and Osprey catch live fish all day long. The bald Eagle will scavenge, I think of them as more of opportunist, eating what they can when they can. If it wasn't Winter I'd say the Eagles were mating but since it's not. Yeah, probably a good idea to keep a close eye on your pooch ?? Beautiful Mating Ritual ::
  10. Hmm ?? This one's lookin kinda funky even for a nova, I have my suspicions it's not a Pelt. Maybe a few more opinions on it ??
  11. I wish they didn't have their thumb over the pontil so I could see if it's ground & faceted or not !! But I'm still leaning antique, I have a begging dog sulphide that's pink (amethyst) like that. The one I have looks as sunlight exposure may have been the culprit but I'm not sure. I was thinking the same when I seen this one as you, guess whenever you question anything there's a reason you did in the first place.
  12. Chad G.

    MK with AV

    MK Grasshoppers (Rainbows)
  13. Great news Brother, GOD is good
  14. Could ya post an average size on these also David ??
  15. Leaning Ravenswood here for the OP also
  16. "Welcome to Marble Connection Rolf" Sorry for the delayed intro, I've been a bit under the weather, looking forward to your future posts and pix. Hope all here can help you out with the American machine made as well.
  17. Hello Ron, Wish I could help ya out w/ the name game but I barely keep up w/ it myself, I've head em called Crosthroughs for a bit now and wondered the same as you ??
  18. OP are called Peltier Crosthroughs IMO, not cats or banded swirls
  19. There are Crosthrough cats made by MK and a few of the Asian types, here are a couple cats, Japanese I believe, Sorry I don't have an MK example.
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