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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. x2, agree w/ foreign manufacture "Welcome back to Marble Connection David" Glad you decided to post some pix. Seen the auction win you had back in January, a pretty nice size load of mibs !! Is this one from that batch ?? Just curious !! Looking forward to some more pix and possibilities, again "Welcome"
  2. x2, agree w/ Art, I think it's an aqua colored slag as well, but can't nail down the manufacture ?
  3. x2, Agree w/ Akro Slag
  4. Gonna say Vacor Bengal Tiger VACOR I.D. SITE LINK : https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  5. Drat I was swingin for the easy I.D. ??
  6. Is it uv Jeremy ?? Just wondering so I can put it out of my mind "or not"
  7. "Welcome to Marble Connection James" Glad to have you, many years of knowledge & knowledgeable people here, more than willing to give you a hand. If it has anything to do with marbles or marble related material, more than likely you're gonna find it here. We also have a search bar in the upper right hand side of the home screen if you wish to pursue a specific query, Again "Welcome" The jar looks to be all gaming marbles ?? Many marbles will react under uv light, from multiple manufactures, both old and new, hard to tell what you have exactly sitting in a jar ???
  8. Maybe it was "Wild Bill ?" Though I still don't see a bag of mibs
  9. This was my Fathers, I bought it for him on his Birthday long ago. One of the things I treasure. He saved the case as well as all the paperwork that came with it. From the overall looks of it and w/ the lid being still tight I don't believe he used it that much ?? Thanks for the post Rick, I was looking for a reason to share this.
  10. "Happy Akro Friday" Another fearless Akronaut "Check out the size of this mib" Guess I better post a mib, my favorite Popeye, a gift from a great marble Brother
  11. Gotta love them handmades man !!!
  12. Nice group Tommy, Three divided ribbon core and the others are Latts. I really like the two onionskins in the prior post "Nice"
  13. x2, agree with Vacor Red Devil!! "Welcome to Marble Connection Becky" Chances are if it's about marbles or marble related you'll find it here. Many years of combined knowledge and a great group of people more than willing to help you on your marbled journey. Again "Welcome, if you have any specific queries you can enter them on the search bar located in the upper right hand side of the screen. Chad G. LINK TO THE VACOR I.D. SITE : https://www.billes-en-tete.com/liste_billes.php?lang=en
  14. I think only the Pee-Wee is undyed Jason, of course I can't find any facets on it so, almost positive it's machine ground ?? Never the less, undyed but still not the great size yours is.
  15. Ok, guess I put my foot in it so !! $1680.oo
  16. "Happy Thüringen Thursday" Top shelf in the big curio
  17. Gettin higher, (48) watchers including me !! 5 days left, anyone want to guess what the final will be ?? LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/403507702803?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338722076&customid=&toolid=10050
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