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Chad G.

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Everything posted by Chad G.

  1. Nice bunch of mibs David ............
  2. They look like Peltier Tigers to me, like Art said check black ribbons for Aventurine sparkle, Vacor didn't use any av. in their tigers. Also seeing the pelt like seams.
  3. I'd say all of them w/ a pontil are Japanese transitionals, can't say I really see any Akro corks.
  4. Master & Akro both commonly exhibit eyelashes. It has enough colors for a sparkler but the colors are more common to Master & I really can't see any Akro sparkler construction IMO
  5. MK fer sher, looks like a deformed Berry Pink ?? Nice mib Brad
  6. Found it !! You have to scroll down about half way on the link to cheeses (Chuck) post w/ a pic of Ron's CAC LINK :: https://www.allaboutmarbles.com/viewtopic.php?p=366850#p366850
  7. CAC did oxblood but VVHTF, only examples I seen were some Ron had pics of on AAM. I'll have a look see later, maybe I can locate the pix ??
  8. x2, agree w/ Tommy, Master & Alley
  9. I have a few w/ some chunks of green av. in them as well. Some kinda prod. mistake ??
  10. First ones a cat, second one is a Pelt
  11. Kiln fired clay, yes, believe it or not it's a marble
  12. Not Akro or a brick IMO, not sure of manufacture
  13. I agree w/ Tommy, yours looks like a hit mark instead of an annealing fracture. Sometimes the glass just doesn't pop out when the marble receives a good hit. You'll learn to recognize the difference between a hit frac. and the ones that can be left from the annealing process over time. Fractures occur when one glass isn't compatible w/ the other, the (coefficient)
  14. The listing says, chipped and other damage. LINK : https://www.ebay.com/itm/225688025891?hash=item348c0dfb23%3Ag%3AOrsAAOSwUbtkva86&mkcid=1&mkrid=
  15. "Calipers" I get mine from Harbor freight, I found the plastic ones easy on glass and accurate enough for marbles (& they're cheap). Make sure you get the ones that measure in "fractions of an inch" Most sets measure in inches, fractions of an inch and mm. Here is a link for ya !! LINK :: https://www.harborfreight.com/6-in-utility-caliper-63664.html ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The top is inches and fractions of an inch & the bottom is mm. These will measure inside and out side diameter, outside is for marbles and such and inside is for measuring the diameter (width) of a hole. W/ marbles all you'll be dealing w/ is the top of the caliper ( inches & fractions of an inch) not many use mm, mostly out of the continental US. The mib pictured is 27/32nds of an inch, don't worry, you'll catch on fast
  16. .................. ..................
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