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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Thanks Tommy for the great images--I have never seen these in hand--good job!! Marble--On!!!
  2. Good question--I would love to see it--the collection. Marble--On!!
  3. These large sized ones--up to an inch or so came from the Akro digs as I recall, yours does look similar to them. Otherwise--it sure looks like a Master. Marble--On!!
  4. I am pretty sure that you have a Master there Fire. Marble--On!!
  5. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175911245437?hash=item28f520967d%3Ag%3Aq8AAAOSwXPtlCyI0&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4ILYm4Eoc%2B73hoVCE0hgkR1DFZQXcleuUoOO%2FCEOcARF9VHRc%2FcoxjH45DIgmQUMgDvUm5etCLnu2Ix%2B9rfSaDrsh%2BUG3i8NHpshCmY4bPzbHnvs12OEAnTJE98kzjiIfEDrGY93fOteeT9gq%2FJFmnEAB%2F0qVPjiKNDJozTCvYJH%2FdNm9N%2Bs2WjW10aotvav2dGPOGmn2GQSi3%2BnLPsnYSBMFEoZQOMNsXXKxahsO2pLZa3CzeFi1qK1sV21qQIUyo%2Bj%2FiJmAypEzvKQCL4FuQEuqBeM7MMsrBja8Nq2zo0B|tkp%3ABk9SR9LB1b_WYg&LH_BIN=1 Marble--On!!
  6. This seller has two of them--pretty cool. https://www.ebay.com/itm/276057299148?hash=item40464c18cc%3Ag%3AJHkAAOSwHhFlCyr-&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA4I2AthiLGef9afQugjXleA5IMlw6ZD%2BJpa0BixY1NqCQulB7Piz4fH1neM3DQb7p75pGpXOKdfQvQfoaYlceve7DLKcukxSR8C14UJj3RpqqYxX5vzpm3UZER7r%2Bjhr%2FAhBZNQExJj7ze7PdVOmIN2e7cZefaVswS2opdzRV4qfD08VZgoHFpiRjkzXQhXQxLYbVAfxY0nxIb%2FQIAHBOsdtLvjZKO7Fy9ATViIsfPWffa8nJXNZxhXs1ycUoGZOEoBWtk%2BZUKEQsbDkbUJKKrVqzyYS5JqD3t8vXT0IQU6x%2B|tkp%3ABk9SR9LB1b_WYg&LH_BIN=1 Know your Vacors for sure-- Marble--On!!
  7. The cut mark on your second one is what I look for; it appears to include a lesser shade of yellow. I would call it a four—in my castle anyhow. The OP is a weird one for sure. In my Castle—six colors would work for me—very cool! The cut marks are the key, I would like to see the other side. Both are nice—the second one would be killer with two colors—nice action—very nice—top shelf! The spinner cup was going wild with this one. Marble—On!!
  8. You are in the right place here--Welcome to the Marble Connection!! Show us what you have. Marble--On!!
  9. Nice marble Boris! Regardless of the colors--I would have a place for it with my bricks. Marble--On!!
  10. The lower right one is what I would call a "Coral"--love-em. Here are a few more from my "Coral" stable. Marble--On!!
  11. This one must be an Alley--test your green thumb Ric--it might just sprout!! Very cool-- Marble---On!!
  12. I have contemplated raising for meat only, it does not take long and the meat is killer. Store purchased chicken does not wind my cork. Close to Tufu imho.
  13. https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=266 https://www.ebay.com/itm/256216494801?hash=item3ba7b172d1:g:ZCYAAOSwDcJlAMMs Know your Vacor before you bid!! Marble--On!!
  14. I have a son that raises Chickens for eggs--he starts them in the house---yuuukkk. The apple does fall far from the tree in this case.
  15. That is a very nice contemporary imho. The colors just rock--on and on!! Marble--On!!
  16. Is there actually purple in this marble or is it the lighting? Regardless--I would call it a slag. Just a KILLER!! Maybe a contemp??? Marble--On!!
  17. This is a very nice Master "Sunburst". Akro "Sparklers" have a clear base. Thanks for sharing it! Marble--On!!
  18. I used to carry a pocket Marble, I am retired now so marbles are never too far from me. I used to carry this one into work--it helped to ground me when the stress was moving in strong. It is stiil on my desk front and center--I look at it every day. It was intended to be a marble like the second image--it took many years for me to bring a round one home. Bonus points--lol---I will always go for the bonus points! Marble--On!!
  19. Large, dug, mint, Akro solids--Game marbles?? I do not know--just cool. About one inch as I recall--- Marble--On!!
  20. I do not watch chickens--LOL. Lady Gaga rules!!
  21. I grew a two pound potato--- I love Lady Gaga--- Chickens are fun to watch--
  22. OK this was a tuff one to follow I will admit--an Akro Lemon drop---try these on for size-- Marble--on!!
  23. Here are two that I found today while assessing a friends marbles. I do not find many groups for my assessment with ¼ of them being Akro— very nice ones included. These however caught my eye the most. One is 29/32” and the other is 13/16”. This is quite a difference really. I would usually call these one inch and ¾; but they do not add up so I give you the true size. They are both Pelt Rainbos. Both are the same—the same—the same-----the same--- very much the same—what more can I say. A nice crystal clear base with green and white added. Just a heads up-I have never seen anything like this before—very nice! I wish that I could give a better image. These are just KILLER!!!—just not mine----just a friend of them---like your neighbors dog. If she asks for an offer I will give it otherwise—just a friend being a friend. This is the way---This should be the way for all of us. (At least I got to pet them) Marble—On!!
  24. I think that the left one is an Alley Agate----nice one! Very Nice!! Marble--On!!
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