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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. I agree with Steph. The bottom one, in the final image is what she says. I wish I had a name for the third image (Volcano?)—blue with red—it is a Vacor though. The top image shows a Vacor “Serpent”. The aqua/white in the middle of the last image with the oxblood looking streak may be a Vitro—hard to tell—more images are needed. If the very top one in the final image is one inch or less—It may be an Alley Agate. The one on the far right of the bottom image (orange and white) may be a Champion. Sizes always matters. Nice marbles!! Marble—On!!
  2. X2--this one is a Patch--Akro or Master---maybe anothers as well. Marble--On!!
  3. Something went wrong with this one as it was being made. The colors are right for a PPP and an Akro--hmmm?? Marble--On!!
  4. akroorka


    The damage is not consistant with Jabo. If I was forced into a guess--Alley imho. I appreciate all opinions. Marble--On!!
  5. I will go back to the OP enuff said. Marble--On!!
  6. I agree. Back off and hit it with some light, then crop it and show us some more. It looks like a "dandy". Marble--On!!
  7. @Steph should know. It seems to me that a recent post explained it some what. I could not find it. Marble--On!!
  8. These remind me of Akro "Crow types". Not so late imho. Akro is my call. I apreciate all opinions and respect them all. Marble--On!!
  9. Happy Mother’s day to you all of you out there. The world respects you all. Your kind hearts and great wisdom have made us all what we are today. To the rest of you muthers—marble—on!!—we are just men! Moms rule!! Marble--On!!
  10. "It’s a Trap"---Marble collecting that is!! Nice stuff Gladys !! Marble--On!!
  11. This is just a quick shot Gladys. Marble--On!!
  12. There is a name for these--a collector’s name. Here is another one @ 1”. If not for the name—“Corkscrew”, this would be considered as a “Swirl” Marble—On!!
  13. This baby is one inch--pretty cool! Marble--On!!
  14. akroorka

    ID Please

    Very cool, look it up for sure. A nice one for the "pocket". Marble--On!!
  15. Nice marble!! Marble--On!!
  16. Nice find--they are still out there!! Marble--On!!
  17. You may find this same box with other makers included. It is a "Jobber Box", or one company that purchased marbles from a variety of makers and sold them out right as their own brand. From who--I do not know. They usually show up with "Akro Milky Oxbloods". Marble—On!!
  18. Yes Welcome! Show us some more! Marble--On!!
  19. Too tuff to call. It may be a pelt. Marble--On!!
  20. That is a nice set of images and a great marble!! Marble--On!!
  21. The first one is a big "Bloodie". The "Mary" thing I do not get. The last image is just a great bunch. Marble--On!!
  22. The blue and yellow were errors--a whole bunch of them--someone was sleeping at the post. The rest were just--not caught or sorted imho. Marble--On!!
  23. Ric is right on as far as the collectors name goes. The "Popeye" boxes also came loaded with some top shelf Oxbloods. There are a variety of "Popeye" boxes. The more common and the less common. As far as the "Popeye" Patches go--Alan is right on as well. The colors shown in the OP are the ones that are more common and were "dug in vast quantities". @ $1 a piece--I do not agree--maybe $10. A big box full spread thorough the collecting community does not mean “common". The others colors do show up as patches—way more rare though. Red and yellow would be my second guess as far as more “common” goes. I have never seen a purple “Popeye patch”. Marble—On!!
  24. I am with Ric--no Vitro here! Nice marble! Marble--On!!
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