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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. I do not think this one is a Jabo. WVS of some make. Marble--On!!
  2. I think so--nice group! Marble--On!!
  3. There is a nice mix here--as a keepsake. They are pretty beat up. Gpa or Gma must have played marbles and they were important enough to be set aside by them. Put them in a jar and relish them as your grandparents did😘. Nice stuff!! Marble--On!!
  4. Agreed X2--Chad knows these--I was just guessing😁. Marble--On!!
  5. At least six. Banded coreless swirl imho. Not quite a Josephs coat. I do not know if the german hand made collectors even count the bands. It is a nice looking marble though. This is not my realm--worth a bump though. Marble--On!!
  6. Here is a nice Veiligglas—it does not glow---I wonder if it may be one? Do Veilgglass ever glow like this?? Marble—On!!
  7. I agree no oxblood in the second one. This may be made by one of many makers. I do not know if I would say that the cat eye is Japanese either. The hue of the glass makes it look older but it could be from anyone, from any Asian place. Recycled glass will take on this older looking hue. Nice images--- Marble—On!!
  8. Weird works nicely. I think that it is a WVS. A few companies made marbles that resemble the structure of this one. Nice images! Marble--On!!
  9. Boy oh boy that is a weird one. I can feel the glow from here. I don't know what I would call it. Marble--On!!
  10. It is a weird one. The green reminds me of those Ravenswood marbles with the deep brown base glass, some kind of "Camouflage" name I think--". I am not saying that it is a WVS—I just like the color and that was the first thing that came to mind. Marble—On!!
  11. I think this is a Vacor "Rooster". Marble-On!!
  12. The first one is a Pelt MCS or MCR. The second one could be a Pelt—or something else. The third one looks like a “Vitro Conqueror” to me—maybe a “Phantom Conqueror” All opinions are welcomed and appreciated. Marble—On!!
  13. Vitros X2 Nice marbles. Marble--On!!
  14. This is a hard one to call because of the construction of the marble. It could be a Pelt--Or a Jabo I will take a lean towards Jabo--A big lean. Marble--On!!
  15. Just based on the color--not the blue--Vitro imho. All opinions are appreciated. Marble--On!!
  16. The left one--the second image--makes me think Akro---it may react to uv light--the lighter part. Marble--On!!
  17. akroorka


    I would sort it as a Jabo Fire. Marble--On!!
  18. Just because of the colors, I would say both Vitro. More opinions are needed. Marble--On!!
  19. In the first image— Upper right and lower left—classic Akro cutlines—the “c”. Upper left and lower right—classic Master cutlines. I am not afraid to call the upper left a Master. The others could be Master or Akro, they both made very similar patches. Marble—On!!
  20. Nice find, I cannot call it. It almost has a double ingot vibe in many of the images that you show. Pretty small for that though. The green is killer--the red kinda sucks. I like it as a combo. The green really shines or glows--a very nice color. Marble--On!!
  21. Ohh yes--A Nice "Muddy"😁. Love em! The other one is a funky Rainbo. Marble--On!!
  22. Just going by these images Left--Akro patch--it may be oxblood--Nice one imho. Middle-I agree??--no clue. The one on the right sure looks like a Pelt--not a "John Deere"-maybe a named marble--I am not sure. I look for other opinions and appreciate them all. Marble--On!!
  23. This one is a Pelt. The orange and Yellow--the latest posted--a Rainbo. Lots of "bleeding"--nice marble! Marble--On!!
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