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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. Nice images and a nice find as well. Marble--On!!
  2. I might add that these Vitro came in a number of different color combos---I knew the name and really wanted to remember it---the grey matter lost it, try as it may. Steph had listed the name a few years back---I cannot find it. Oh well—help is always needed for all of us. If I do not write a list—all is lost. Marble—On!!
  3. akroorka


    Good eye Ron, I knew that I saw this color combo before.( not too often though) Marble--On!!
  4. Nice glass---really nice! Marble--On!!
  5. I am going to toss this out there—other opinions are more than welcomed. Akro, Akro, Vitro(I wish that I could remember the name—they were marketed with a name) and Heaton---left to right. The Heaton may have Oxblood. Just my opinion--- more are needed. Marble—On!!
  6. Great job--great images--killer marble. Thanks for the effort! and sharing it as well. Marble--On!!
  7. That is a nice marble--just sayin! Marble--On!!
  8. Hmmm, another garage disaster--- Blame it on the dog--or cat--Chipmunk’s maybe— Raccoons are notorious for screwing things up, blaming it on the dog/cat/wife/kids and of course playing with marbles. I vote Raccoons. Raccoons love marbles. (I am 1/4 Raccoon, so I know) Marble—On!!
  9. That is a killer cat--one image is not enough. Marble--On!!
  10. I have never had enough room to display what I have. Here is a good ramble regarding marble collecting. I have collected most of my life—all things old and cool. Marbles are the thing! Plastic coffee cans have been the best way to keep the ones that I know are nice, glass vs. glass does not mean damage. I bag the ones that deserve more attention, just because. Too many marbles---no way!! Plastic 5 gallon buckets are where the rest go---I have too many of these buckets that deserve another look. Armageddon may happen—but I still have plenty to search (what a better way to end life as we know it🙂). I know that the ones that I keep are all mint—even Near Mint went into the buckets—that is just the way that I have collected over the years. Last year I took a bucket of what I considered to be “discards” from many years ago to fill a gold fish tank in the basement (winter freeze—pond fish) and ended up keeping most of them aside. I will never forget my wife selling jars of these without my knowledge at a rummage sale---oh well, we are still together—LOL🤪. I know me better than most✌️—I collect Akro Agate and keep a few Pelts and others aside—always have—there are some nice bucketfuls of others that need attention---some-day—lol. This hobby/addiction will be around for many years to come. We all have one thing in common—the end of life. The marbles that we all have will always be there for the next generation. RIP🧡 to all of the collectors that have passed on to the next level in the last 5, 10, 20, 30-40 years. We have not seen one half of what they have collected.—we will though, sooner or later. Arrowheads vs. marbles will they be the same 1,000 years from now—I do not doubt it. Marble—On!!
  11. Nice Master with some "Flair"😄. The Vitros like this have more of a "glob effect" with the white part. Marble--On!!
  12. I have often wondered about that coppery stuff on some marbles. I believe that Ron has shared in the past that they would fill pits in the rollers with copper. Marble—On!!
  13. That is a cool looking marble. Marble--On!!
  14. Thats a nice corkscrew and it may react to UV light if you are into that stuff--I am😁. Marble--On!!
  15. Yes, a nice bunch. The last image holds a Carnelian at the bottom, a nice red based orange snake at the top and right in the middle that baby blue and yellow is a very nice color combo. Marble—On!!
  16. I agree, a transitional slag of some sort. The Japanese type are opaque in my experience—I do not know this one. Marble—On!!
  17. It can be hard to determine with all of the colors going on but the sunlight should shine through the white ghostly part and present as a red/orange hue. I think that yours is an Opal. Marble—On!!
  18. Yes, a close similarity and the CAC swirls like you show vary in the blue color. Akro made a lot of these—nice corkscrew. Marble—On!!
  19. It is not a Vacor imho, the colors would be reversed on a Black Panther. Vitro Agate “Blackie” may be what it is. Marble—On!!
  20. I agree with Ron except that the right hand one has damage that I would not associate with a Jabo---older WVS imho. Marble--On!!
  21. I would say that the two on the right are--the left one needs more opinions. Nice ones regardless. Marble--On!!
  22. Leigh, If this deal fell short--no problem--we have all--all been there. It has been fun though. Marble--On!!
  23. akroorka


    Yes I agree--one of many makers---pretty common. Marble--On!!
  24. It is not a Vacor, lets just call it a ChaJabo. Marble--on!!
  25. Hmmm, worth a bump imho Nice marbles!
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