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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. This is a really nice marble. Marble--On!
  2. I agree--nice marble! Marble--On!!
  3. No such thing as a stupid question here Gladys. Marble--On!!
  4. Pee Wee slag? I have never seen one. Nice marble--!!
  5. Vacor Rooster Imho. Marble--On!!
  6. I edited the image and flipped it↕️. Lets call these Champion and see what happens. More opinions are needed and respected as always. Marble--On!!
  7. This color combo in a Peltier will really vary in coverage---just sayin. Marble--On!!
  8. This is a Vacor Rooster imho. These Vacor Roosters can really fool you into thinking Akro. Marble--On!!
  9. I agree, Marble--On!!
  10. Good one Gladys, great marble as well!! Marble--On!!
  11. I would have to say that red is the dominate color in what I have, a close second to white--😁 and clear😁. Only you Gladys---you must have some Irish blood 🍀. Marble--On!!
  12. Bricks can be quite addictive---to be sure. Oxblood --On!!
  13. Vacors have pleny of research to depend on---or not. Lets see that new book!! Marble--On!!
  14. Another top shelf marble Galdys. Keep them coming and Marble-On!!
  15. The first one on the left looks like it may have been a beach find. Al may have tagged the second from the left---nice call Al! The last two do look Imperial to me---but not so much as well. The transparent glass throws me off. Marble—On!!
  16. Aley seems too easy for this one. There are too many Alley ID's for me. Put it in sunlight and lets see what shows up. This is an old one and it deserves some more attention imho. Great marble!! (I see Alley also) but!! Marble--On!!
  17. Here is a 1 - 11/16" "Destroyer" and a 7/8" "Leapord". The Leopard has a "chromic finish" such as the one that you show. I just cannot seem to get a good shot of it--the "chromic". Vacor makes some great and some not so great---that is why we collect--we all want the great. Marble--On!!!
  18. Kindey, There are many rare and very collectable Vacor marbles---do not sell yourself short. The swirls are still the king, cat eyes just do not seem to keep up with the popularity/collectability of collectors.( I am not knocking cats—just an observation) I do like cats—even the ugly ones. “Rare and Crazy” can be attributed to any marble maker, from any time period. Vacor may be the latest along with Jabo (Champion and MK “newer’ marbles also). Jump onto the train that is current and you will find some oldies involved as well. The day is coming when Akro corkscrews are all but collected then we will all buy from estates—mine included—I hope. Marble—On!!
  19. These are nice images William, The small pink one is just a very nice marble—transitional—not Akro. Pink in any Marble is not common. Transitional marbles will look like Akro corkscrews and visa-versa. This is because Akro Agate used so many variations in color, nothing to be ashamed of here, I thought that the first image was a very cool Akro Cork and they might just show up in this color combo—who knows? The second one is a WVS gone wild imho, not an Akro. There were a few companies that made a nice egg-yolk color besides Akro. Marble—On and keep asking for sure!!
  20. Here is the thing with Vacors Kidneyrobber(love the name), They made many different runs of marbles and they did change up on the naming of some of them. I will bet that I have seen seven different runs of “Serpents”. This may be a Vacor marble but the Chinese are producing marbles that are quite similar. Check this link for more info. Just do a “toy marbles” search. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Marbles-Glass-Marbles_60242667531.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.34c24b89v2SrPx&s=p Marble—On!!
  21. Lets just call this one a Vacor game marble Kidney and not get too excited about it. Just mho of course. Marble--On!!
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