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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. It is a very nicely colored marble. I was thinking maybe a Vacor Atmosphere but it is too small IMHO. The colors remind me more of a Pelt clear based rather than an Akro but I will not make any sort of ID on this one. Nice for sure. Marble--On!!!
  2. Sorry my friend but I see no evidence of any Vitro's here. Number 4 is a cool color combo and #7 needs a further look. Marble--On!!!
  3. This is a great redirection. The colors seem awfully bright for a Master or an Akro. Marble—On!!!
  4. I purchased a pair of these from Les Jones the year before he passed, RIP Les, he could really fill a room. He would not budge a dollar--- at the end of the show. I have seen one more since and it is in my collection. A really top notch Akro Patch. Aventurine and Akro---Not a common phrase. Marble--On!!! and Akro--On for sure!!
  5. Very nice indeed. I think that several could be from "the same run" Marble--On!!!
  6. "Found some… and some black corks as well. I had a lot of these boxes at local antique shows for $25/box, no takers" I would have jumped in with both feet and may be even offered more feeling sorry for the seller offering them at such a low price. Those B/Y show up as a Popeye's in rare instances. Great group--and still hard to find. Marble--On!!
  7. No guesses and I do not blame you at all. So far I am batting about 500 with the yellow/whites---unreal. Marble—On!!
  8. akroorka


    The only thing that I have ever sold and regretted selling was a large edition of the Master Marble game set--very close to mint with all of the original marbles. It went out west and the buyer was very happy with it (it is still probably in the condition that I sold it as). I looked at all of the marbles one by one and they were all Master Marbles without a doubt. Game marbles are able to be identified for sure---who cares---well,---- I do and that is enough for me ---and me always counts. Me--On and Marble--On for sure!!!
  9. These frames fold open and almost have what I would call a vacuum bag effect. The two sides stretch to fit what is inside and once you fold whatever you want to inside of the two sides, it kind-of clamps them into suspension. Very cool and not too expensive. Made for jewelry or special badges I suspect. I have not overloaded these with marbles but as you can see they hold them quite nicely. I press my luck but I have my limits--lol. Marble--On!!!
  10. The displays that I like are all up in arms, I will try anything. These “float frames” hold marbles quite well and are really nice to put onto a window frame. Nothing beats looking at a bunch of Akro marbles in the sun—backlit—or (other marbles if you so desire) If your house has vibrations, I would not suggest these---no earthquakes here—just the occasional grandson or grand-daughter-I love these things. Akro Friday seems to be overcast Friday for me—these images are the best that I could do. Sparklers really look great in this type of frame—Popeyes are the way to go today—so be it! Marble—on!! And display on as well!!! Popeyes rule for sure https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08XBTKPPR/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08XBTKPPR&pd_rd_w=jeYZf&pf_rd_p=887084a2-5c34-4113-a4f8-b7947847c308&pd_rd_wg=E7uV9&pf_rd_r=9VS6N6YB395C4KZKTF30&pd_rd_r=327c924c-7450-4ac9-bea8-080907893f6d&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzM1lWRDlNUU5ESlNWJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTE2Mjc4R1lJU0o1QjYwNFVWJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAxODAzMzYySUFKQkRDU0UyUVdEJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  11. akroorka


    Until you really look at gamers with the intent to discover, you are missing out for sure. I have had Master Marble game boxes, Vitro Agate game boxes, Akro Agate Game boxes and a few others as well. They are really worth the time to inspect. I have found a number of 5/8" Akro Flinties in game boxes. Finding a true box of gamers is always a treat--they are not all the same--shine a light on them and discover!! No Dull Marbles--On and Marble--On as well!!!
  12. Thanks Al, for kicking the sleeping dog. Old dogs need to be woken up once in awhile. Here is the true link to my opinion on this one and hopefully a wakeup call to the mass influx of Chinese marbles that are flooding the market worldwide. It is very obvious to me that that Chinese are in the business of competing with Vacor. I just hope that the Chinese stick with the quantity over quality idea that they have had for years in the many various markets that they seem to have intruded on with little remorse. I urge you all to research Ali-Baba for marbles and come to the same conclusion that I have. I think that quality is still owned by our cousins to the south—arguably of course. Marble—On!!! and be aware--on as well!!! https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Toy-Marbles-Glass-Marble-Wholesale-Cheap_1600132768893.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.50604b89u8a55I&s=p
  13. Here are the yellow/white that I have been chasing for the last 4-5 years--I just want ten to fill a row. I want them all the same--fussy--yes, but this is the way that I collect. 5/8" is what I consider to be a #0 sorted at the factory. Some look bigger and some look smaller--this is my most humble opinion on what a #0 would be, sorted by Akro machinery back in the day. These all seem to be smaller, I have found only two that are 11/16"--none bigger. The funny thing is--mentioning the yellow with black, is that black/white of this same size were the second hardest for me to find ten of--I wonder--lol. This is a challenge that I present--the winner gets nothing but a great big hurray--lol. I will even hint at the difference with an image under UV and the other lighting that I have used. I will post a pure UV shot later today--good luck! These yellow/white must have been a small run because of the rarity and it adds to the probablity of runs of the same marble with different looks/cullet used. Speculation is a great thing-- Speculate--on!! and Marble --on as well!!! I love this stuff!!!
  14. This all makes sense to me. One of the hardest to find white based corkscrews is the yellow and white. How many runs were really made we will never know but I can say this much, they are very hard to match. We have all seen the videos of the workers throwing shovel-fulls of cullet into the furnace. Not a real specific science to it all--a shovel here and a shovel there, next load up and a few shovels full more, then bring in the next color and see what happens at the quality control end of it all. With the lighting available at the factory hybrids were sure to form. End of runs maybe had more pieces of furnace brick in them because of the deterioration of the furnace itself. Marble--On!!
  15. It sure did, and he or she sure did as well. It measures in at 7/8" now, it probably started new at an inch--lol. Marble--On!!
  16. We can all agree on one thing, it is not a wirepull. Just too many ends of the stream. It is great to see such passion on a marble such as this. Keep up the good work and keep the ID's coming. We can all agree to disagree at one point or another. We should all call them as we see them regardless of the outcome. I love this stuff. Marble--On!!!
  17. Thanks Ric, Show me what a Vitro "Opal" looks like. In my world "opal" is a general term describing opalescence. I suppose because it is just easier to type. I am always willing to learn and adjust. Names and descriptions can get a bit confusing. Marble--On!! and Opalescence on for sure!!!
  18. Opalescent glass cullet was used in a wide variety of marbles and used by many makers. I do not doubt that what leatSOUND has may be opal. It is a hard thing to represent with an image in many cases. A light box is the way to go to ID opal for sure. Turn it in all directions and convince yourself. Opal is a hard thing to show in two dimensions in a lot of cases. Marble—On!!!
  19. This is one that I proudly display. I really love old marbles that show play. This one no doubt was a favorite of someone’s in the antique past. Beat up but rarely defeated is what I call this one. Mint is great for sure but history rules. There are no bad marbles. Marble—On!!! and collect what you want to as well !!!
  20. Chinese in my opinion. It seems to be out of round. Research larger asian made mables---link is below--- https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Customized-Hand-Made-Hard-Small-Hand_62226173220.html?spm=a2700.galleryofferlist.normal_offer.d_title.49be109e4ecKsl Marble--On!!!
  21. OK, back to the OP. I agree that the left hand marble is fried. I have seen some natural stone agates that look close--but not close enough. It may be a torch made that wants to resemble a fried--pretty big for a fried marble for sure---way too big. Nice marble regardless. The blue marble is a modern torch made marble--I have little doubt. It is just too big to be anything else. I think that the bubbles in the glass are a give-away on this one. No MFC here--Period--IMHO of course. Marble--On!!
  22. What book are we talking about and is it still out there for purchase? Marble--On!!!
  23. Vacor has made some great marbles; The Company is thriving doing what they do. They recognize a popular color combo and make it happen in a big way. I will not blame them in the least for making "Serpents". More than a few collectors have been bit purchasing what they thought might be a "Superman", including myself. Many individual contemporary makers have done an even better job at making "Superman" marbles and they will be here to stay for a long while. I cannot even blame most sellers because they are often fooled themselves, posting real "Superman" marbles with Serpents. As always collectors--when in doubt leave it alone or live and learn. I love this stuff. Vacor--On!!! And Marble--On as well!!
  24. Thanks for all of the images Pittsburgh. I would hate to arm wrestle you--lol. Nothing like getting back to nature and enjoying the ground below as well. I 'll bet that it is a very peaceful venture that you enjoy. Dig--On!!! and back to nature--on as well!!!
  25. It is worth repeating--Just an awesome looking orb for sure--the colors rival any Sparkler that I have seen for sure. Vitro made some amazing---really amazing marbles. Thanks again for showing this one. Marble--On!!
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