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Everything posted by akroorka

  1. I cannot see having an oxblood post with showing these to you all. Here are four of Brian Grahams that I just love. The one with the blue-ish clear tint is my favorite of all. If he figures out this orange oxblood thing, I will be there for sure to add a few to my collection. Once again-I took a lot of shots to get these. Sunlight helps for sure. I will get better. Photograpy is a lot cheaper that it used to be--just takes time to recognoiter.
  2. Here is the one that I have alway called an Orange Brick. I am glad that film is no longer used, I shot about 300 images to get these. I used to shoot a lot of Kodachrome using a macro lense back in the 70's. Digital is a whole new world for me. I will do better in the months ahead but these are my best for now.
  3. Just judging on the last image it sure looks Vitro to me. There may even be a slight stream of unexpected or unintended oxblood. Marble--on!!
  4. OK two questions, I do not talk face to face with marble collectors so bear with me. I am a classic "closet collector" that has recently broke out of his box a tad. Is it Job-o or Jay-boy for pronunciating it correctly? Is the term "Classic Jabo" a collector’s term and is it referring to the early Jabo marbles that were usually filled with little white hit marks? Marble--on!! And Closet --on!!
  5. Welcome brandi, If you want to know--ask and recieive, no questions go unanswered here and nothing is too trivial to ask about. Get that camera going and show us what you have. Marble --on and collect on for sure!!
  6. Great light box and a great marble as well Chad. If anyone out there is not familiar with these, you will be if you start looking. Akro made a lot of them and I cannot ever get enough. The crystal are quite common although some slags were made--I have a green/white combo. No marks makes them a cheap purchase. They are candle holders that are made perfect for holding big marbles--a 5/8 will stand on top nicely but I would not go much smaller. They were made to reflect/collect light . Some of the coolest crystal glass items by Akro to look at IMHO, simple but well made, they feel polished. The images show a 1 3/8 corkscrew on top for reference. I have a 2 1/4 inch handmade that sits on it quite comfortably--at least in Wisconsin home of very few earthquakes. Display--On!!!
  7. For sure check this glass out--especially if you are into spooky cats with red glass eyes. Good job lads!! Atterbury---on!!
  8. It could be "pressed glass". Sometimes on the parts that protrude you can see mold marks from the wooden dies that these were made in--look for wood grain. Those parts were harder to "polish smooth". I have never seen a patent date like this. If it says "pickle" then it is a pickle dish and the slots were intended to hold a pickle fork. Folks back then were really into pickles of all kinds because they kept well I suppose. Pickle--on!!
  9. Chad, The last two images show what looks like a "tail" that folded to the inside of the marble---just sayin. Can't see where it starts. Put it on a light box and study it some more. The color does remind me of the "BIG" MFC slags that I can never see enough of. Marble--on!!
  10. "opaque oxblood orange phase" Interesting to say the least. I have a "orange MFC brick" --- at least that is what I called it to myself since I aquired it. I will try to get some decent images of it posted in the days to come. Marble--on!!
  11. Gladys, This is the one I think that Ron is talking about that I circled below. Don't feel bad about the brownish one, it is still a nice marble but not a Pistachio as Ron suggests. These nice colored Alleys have fooled me before. The original marble posted is still a great one to hold in the sunlight, it wants to glow under UV like no other does. I think that I may have one or two to post but it may take a day or two to find them. Maybe in the meantime someone else will. Marble--on!!
  12. Sue-purrrb cullet Alan!! The first one looks almost scary/horrific in a Stephen King kind of way with the bubbles--I love it!!
  13. Nice cat Gina, I am sure that I would rather lift the marble though. Here are a couple of Pelts, the 1" rainbo is on a piece of what I think is Houze--a lamp part, the Houze is not oxblood but I think that it wants to be. The rainbo is just one of those things that pops up if you really inspect your marbles. Oxblood as a bonus is always a good thing in my book. The next is a Pelt multicolor, yellow, robins egg blue, white. These multicolors are one of my favorite color combinations of all marbles out there. This color combo is sometimes blessed with the occasional splurt of oxblood as a result of no intentional act as I understand it. Marble--on!!
  14. Go for it Gina, Jump in, the water is fine!! There are plenty of folks on this board that will not let you drown. Marble -on!!
  15. I like it bill, It fits right in talking about Imperials. It has been a while since I saw a box filled with them. Akros top flight Oxbloods are what I always think of when I see the word Imperial. I bet that the circular that is described in the letter would be a great thing to see as well. Marble-on!!
  16. Great stuff Ron, I was researching Vitrolite just lately because of a mention of it that you made in a recent post about many marble companies using Vitrolite cullet. Just one piece of that in a frame could hang on my wall for sure. A wall covered in it would be unreal. Here is a link to a great article on Vitrolite. There were also 2 websites that I found that sold it. https://www.decopix.com/the-vitrolite-story/
  17. Put it under blacklight Gladys, Pistacios glow like no other marble does and I can see from the sunlight hitting it that it is one. These marbles can get pretty crazy with the swirls and flames bounching all over the place. One of the best color combos out there. There were quite a few arguments years past about these being CAC but the intense research by many who have contributed to this board have shown what it truely is. A nice find for sure!! Marble-on!!
  18. I would dig 20 feet for that one--maybe more; I doubt that you have seen any of the same pattern-- thanks for the humble response. Marble -on!! And Humility-on!!
  19. akroorka

    ID please

    I am comfy with Vitro on this one.
  20. Holy cow! and I mean cow(at least an orange and yellow cow). How big is it ? Vacor made some big marbles but I am not calling this one--never seen by me before. Pretty cool for sure.
  21. The heat index is pretty high, how about some lemonade?
  22. Next time post a fried egg with this one--I like it.
  23. This image has been adjusted. I am playing with a new camera and imaging software. I though that it was cool to see that oxblood from the bottom light up with lemonade brightness. These are both my best examples. The bottom of the plate is just as good as the top, it is like it was folded over with great ox on top and bottom, follow the lines of ox throughout the plate to understand what I mean. Oxblood turns into lemonade. Marble-on!!! and keep the oxblood and liver coming!! I love it all!!
  24. Another piece of work fitted for a museum--Impressed I am-- whole or halves, who cares, rare as all get out ----Thanks for the image!!
  25. That is some great cullet my friend. I want to fry up some liver tonight for some reason---excellent!!! That blue ox cork is as good as they come--museum piece for sure-- is it for real or a contemp ? (seriously) It is unreal!! Thanks for the chance to see it.
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