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Everything posted by catfish

  1. Interesting read Duffy. I read that Beri said that they could make glass in house. That would be cool to see happen, but I wonder if its cost effective.
  2. Thats too bad. I have a couple copies on order myself.
  3. Hard to say, but I personally wouldn't bet on it. The difference between the new Jabos and antique marbles being that the new Jabos were made then instantly put into collections. Antique marbles were not. They were played with, lost, thrown away...etc. Basically, in my opinion, Jabos were made by collectors for collectors and there are plenty to go around. Some of the exceptionally nice examples my fetch premiums later on. I have many of the different runs myself, but I did not buy them as an investment.
  4. Almost forgot...We snuck off for a camping trip (a few days before the anniversary, but I had to work). And here is a picture of my birthday/anniversary gift from the wife. His name is "Chewy". And he likes to stand on two legs and beg for food. Heading out..... All set up.... Chewy....yep, he's short....
  5. For sure its an advantage. And for her birthday, I use her birthdate as my drivers number on my demo cars. I got it all covered. LOL September 1st......If I ever forget, I can step out into the garage and look at the door of my car.
  6. What Rich said! Did filling it so fast take some of the fun out of "the hunt"?
  7. Thanks everyone. It was a great day. My birthday (July 4th) is also the wife and I's anniversary. 3 years married now. Thanks again everyone.
  8. Looks like you own some very nice lenses. I have the 16-35 and 100 macro as well. My two favorites I own are my 600 f/4 IS and my 85 f/1.2. Nice site!
  9. Me too, locked and loaded. LOL :ph34r:
  10. Looks like some very nice examples in there! I see a few ribbon cores in the I believe.
  11. Yes there is. On a slightly different rant, Ebay sure is raping sellers with fees and paypal fees. I hadn't sold on ebay for quite some time. Then my sister just sold an item and she told me what ebay/paypal charged her, and I nearly fell out of my chair. What a racket.
  12. I really like that yellow/white/green crossthru....and 1"!!! Holy Smokes!
  13. Wow, you should try the decaffinated version. I was in no way starting a flame off. Way to jump the gun.
  14. I have to side with Galen on this. But, nothing can be done. The marbles are out there already. Time to study the Jabos more and educate oneself.
  15. My thoughts as well. Lovely group Winnie!
  16. Those are outstanding! Made me nearly faint!
  17. And I have never even seen the beach......
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