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Everything posted by Alan

  1. Normally yes - but it depends upon how it was necked down and cut and the pontil finished.
  2. They are cane-cut marbles from what looks like two levels. That is just a function of his technique of necking-down and cutting the marble off the cane.
  3. Sorry these are contaminated with oxblood.
  4. FWIW - those are newer production - not 1950's patch and ribbon. 10-15 years ago there were reasonable quantities of them available at shows in the U.S. I have 20 or so rollin' around here somewhere.
  5. The first and second photo make me wonder about the surface of the marble. The odd parsing of the statement "It does have a couple of tiny fleabites but I believe its incredibly WET original surface and size warrant some forgiveness in the grading of this outstanding marble." only confuses understanding of the condition. Personally - I wouldn't buy that marble without looking at it in hand.
  6. I believe that there are two differences that apply to this marble: - I believe that the use of gold chloride in ancient times was to make dark red ruby glass. This marble is a very different color than ruby glass - During the times of American machine made marble manufacture - I believe that all formulations of red glass used selenium as the active colorant - not gold.
  7. Speculation: I would think the material noted as "lutz" is more likely un-dissolved glass colorant - especially given the appearance of the flakes, their shape and distribution.
  8. Looks more like a wirepull - but a nice touch all the same.
  9. Very nice Griff. My compliments to the very talented frit artist. I especially like the Lutz-speckled one.
  10. If they are (in your opinion) "horribly overpriced" - why not just not buy them. I see many vintage marble that I am certain are very, very overpriced. Still - I don't let it bother me. Its the seller's marble - and they can set whatever price they see fit. Maybe they don't really want to part with it - or at least not in a hurry to sell it. I saw some Jabos for sale at the New Philly show. Some rooms had the price too high. A few rooms would sell them for less than a dollar each if you bought 25 or more. Guess which one I bought from? (and I got to select my own from a pile). I don't consider less than a dollar each as "horribly overpriced". If I am missing something in the numbers - tell me what it is. When you are referring to the prices being too high - are you referring to Ebay sales? I don't grasp why you (having no financial or any other interest in the run) feel empowered to influence what they do or how they do it.
  11. It comes across as somewhere between a pointless recurring lament and shouting at a tree. Do you believe that from your repetitive complaint on marble boards that you will somehow change the nature of privately-sponsored Jabo runs? I'll save you a lot of frustration and tell you that such complaining amounts to nil. Nothing. Nada. Want to complain about Jabo runs because somehow you feel gbetter when you do? Well then - have at it. I don't think you are doing your heart any favors though. I don't know what that sentence means - so I cannot respond to it. So clarify that sentence for me. Are you saying that by being a "collector" (a potential buyer) that you should be able to dictate some aspects of production/quality control/what is sold/pricing? If so - which and to what degree? Perhaps you can guide the thread by stating without complaint exactly what you suggest should be done to address the issues that you perceive. I don't see what path you are suggesting.
  12. I am sincerely missing the heart of this complaint. If you like the new run Jabos - then buy some if you find some that the price seem right. Don't like them? Okay - don't like them.... which I guess means you may not buy them. Don't like culls? Then sponsor a run ($$$) and you call the shots. Give the cull to Andy Davis who makes good use of them. Don't like slightly OOR or other problem pieces? Don't buy them. The nice thing about living in a free market economy as we do is that the market ultimately decides what the price will be. Some will sell higher - some lower. Don't like the asking price? Just like vintage - don't buy it. Don't like Jabo culls/dug Akro? Don't buy them. Trying to tell someone who is financing a run what to produce, how to produce it and how to sell it is ridiculous. Want a say in it? Then get some skin ($$$) in the game. Don't want to do that? Then step back. Complaining about it doesn't cause the slightest impact. For the record I have never been part of a Jabo run - but I would never presume to tell another man or woman what to do with his/her money or business. Its a matter of respect and minding one's own business. Whats next? Government-mandated regulations on Jabo runs? IMO, YMMV, LSMFT
  13. Yes - but there always seems to be room for more for some folks when it come to Jabo runs.
  14. Good article - thanks for posting it. Its a good day when marbles and marble-making are in the print media.
  15. It was on the History Channel. Its known as the "Eye of Akro". Ancient diggers worshiped them and passed-on great tales of their power and value.
  16. My personal opinion is that the original post is structured like a term paper assignment and asks others to do a lot of work, thinking and writing. That sets the bar pretty high and I think is the reason that there have been no responses to it.
  17. Thanks for posting these. In the third issue/ad - they use the term "ring men" to describe the largest marbles Akro made. That is the first time have encountered this term traceable back to the Akro company's official use. That is an interesting fact for future reference. I assume they are referring to 7/8 - 1" diameter. Over time - names have been invented by people in the hobby to describe specific marble styles. I think that such inventions slowly take us further away from the history of these companies, their marbles and the naming conventions that were used in the day they were produced. In any case - I'm going to look through the other ads to see what might be learned. Thanks again, Alan
  18. I think that they are in the same place they have always been.
  19. I have no idea what a "marble venture" is.
  20. I'm not seeing oxblood - just brown.
  21. Personally - I would call those two color. The additional "colors" are blends of adjacent glass colors.
  22. Without criteria - any nominations become a pointless, unfocused popularity contest.
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