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Al Oregon

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Everything posted by Al Oregon

  1. As others have said, thanks for sharing. The trip through the marble factories reminds me of the one we did in 2005 with Howard and Ron . Things have changed, as you said. Sounds like you had a great week!
  2. What was Leo's Run then? 2nd run or...?
  3. It is good to hear some positive news. Still keeping your family in my thoughts!
  4. One thing to remember is that a Peltier multicolor swirl is generally a transparent swirl and when backlit, you can see the green glass (or sometimes another color) base glass. The Mega (Vacor) hurricanes are opaque.
  5. Just scroll over the members name on the upper left of the post - box will appear and PM is one of the choices.
  6. Hey, where did you get my high school entrance exam...? LOL!
  7. Here's a picture of the ones Ron had at the show - different sizes.
  8. Ron Shepherd had come across a couple of these also and had them at the WVMCC show a few months ago. He wasn't sure and we had some discussions about them. I had seen other printed bags that had been on eBay a year or so ago (and even further back) so my first thoughts were fantasy/fake. I would think someone would have come across remnants of these bags in digging or some prior find if they were real.
  9. So sad to hear. They were a wonderful couple. I enjoyed chatting with them at the shows.
  10. Great oxblood items! LOL - I was expecting "Irish" Oxblood marbles. I think you have them all, Craig - not sure if other pictures will be posted... However, here is a picture of some car ashtrays that zaboo posted back in 2003 - not all oxblood but...
  11. You just 'found' one but now you have to convince Dani & Ernie to sell it to you...
  12. Neat bag - original for sure. I don't have any Penny King bags larger than 20 count. Also, a side note - that is the first (real) Champion header that I have seen without a count number on one of the sides of the header. Must be some out there but I don't have any in the 25-30 different Champion bags that I have, plus pics of others.
  13. Here is a picture posted by Marboman of some exotics but they were not his marbles.
  14. Happy birthday, Ernie. You're catching up.... We can celebrate in 6 weeks or so.
  15. Neat kaleidoscope! Haven't seen one with the old handmade - one that your Mother had?
  16. Union Bags, made in Japan, also had some of these 'Vitro' type patches
  17. The 'Wales' ones, to me, were the ones that looked more like Vitros. They did have that sort of 'window' to them also. Here's a couple pics - some were in regular Wales bags and some in Wales 'Variegated' bags.
  18. These were a couple pictures posted in the past - one by duffy in 2009 and by Gene in Nov 2010 (no other info that I remember)
  19. I got that one some years ago but don't think I ever read it - need to find it and read.
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