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Everything posted by Jeff54

  1. Yup, Champion. Appears to actually be of the few versions that's called: 'Furnace scraping' that actually is one. The nicest of these I've ever seen. Fantastic Swirl mixing and no apparent fractures, that's tops.
  2. Master marble. I've had one well over 20 years now. Tricky little devils with enough colors to think they are Akro. Actually, I was trying to get a decent shot of mine recently, but my danged camera can't get it near as well as yours has.. Yet I do have and old photo of mine, when I'd originally had half a mind it was Akro and another half it wasn't. So, intently leaving Akro's name out: I just called it a Sparkler Blizzard. This old photo is so degraded you can't see or tell it's loaded with colors: red, dark and light blue that are separated verses blending from dark to light, , orange, yellow, green, white, very much like yours is, but my old photo is good enough to show it's the same. Yours pretty much look like same run matched set. Mine has 360 evenly spread colors and about, like yours; Aventurine one half covered and it's about 9/16" . I wonder because of so much color, you can hardly ever find in a Master Made: "Maybe they were made special for the 1933 World's Fair?" These are far rarer than any Akro Sparkler or Master Made marble:
  3. Your 1st photo I am attaching: I think on left, the white is the cut of the strand. Check there and try to follow it through the marble to where it ends which would amount to two cut off spots.
  4. Peltier's aventurine is silver-ish while others may be black-ish too green-ish. I would not consider this "Burnt" rather; it's blending thinner over the white.
  5. 3 marbles on the right: and A little story behind these: Over 20 years ago, A marble collector friend in small country town antique and junk store (It and Main St was wiped out by Tornado, like 15 years ago) had an old 2' x 3' toy box of new old stock, 5/8" Marble Kings and Peltier 7/8" Champion Jr style Big Boys about 6" deep. 100's of bulk new old stock for 25 cent MKs and 50 cents for the Big Boys. Of the Big Boy's I found only 1 that was special. Big Champ Jr style like a K & M, but the red had blended into Pink, no red. The MK's were almost all just regular white base, but digging down in the bottom an almost matched set that have a smidgen of Oxblood, while some more others with less and less that I passed on. I would have passed on them all except I could see they were same run, each having less and less blue and Oxblood. I already had the 1st, on the left with Oxblood so, I grabbed them because: I thought it cool to show 'Range of Variation' where the blue is thinning out, illustrating essentially, not the best desirable yet, none the less, they are all Spiderman and even the 1st, on left, is a match..
  6. It does resemble the patch in a Akro 'Unique', but otherwise; with the white ring around it, no clue.
  7. Whew. Vacor out did themselves with his one. That's a mighty fine-looking marble! For the sake of collectors' sanity, let's hope it's a fluke.
  8. Right, now I remember: Denton, Tk U Steph.
  9. Oh boy, ya'll been having fun while I was resting. No this is not a green based and Scott P. quite a character. I've spoken with him years ago before any internet forums. The very first net communication that Bob B. acquired, relived the owner of an email relay group which became a burden for lack or resources. Scott created quite a bit of havoc in it. .He'd get a real kick when people didn't recognize his were clearly not the real thing. Personally, I have seen lots of his creations and they are nice, imitate styles but, draw the line as those who know what the real deal is, ain't going to fall for it. I wanted to commission him to make me a 'Universe'. He was to discuss more thoughts and my ideas, but he went ahead and made something. Not to dis Scott, it wasn't even close to what I'd talked about and looked burnt like those he had reheated. perhaps it was too complicated. We spoke other times as I knew his lingo, both friendly and not.. Or to put it simply, his disease was worse but, I've a chronic disability over 40 years now. The pain game and loss of being part of the healthy established working 8 to 5 society can be frustrating. I grew up in East LA, 'The hood', and feel lucky that I made it out by avoiding drunks, drug freaks and criminals. When you do not get along with the average, it takes a lot to do that. Green based Guinea? Referring to Larry Castle and Marlo Peterson: 'Marbles' The guide to Machine-Made Marbles 2nd edition. 1995: Page 36 paragraph 2: Yeah, Ron: Green based Guinea is a thing. As to a 'Single pinch' as they put it (one cut off, single fold, looped) ya gots a nice photo of a Cobra: Page 34 row 1 line D. "Cobra" that's Single pinch of Blue and Orange with a nice loop. I guess it's possible to get two cut offs in A Cobra with some stuff under the surface but doubt many will loop. Inside a 2 seam Guina, doubt that too but, range of variation, ultimately, has no limits. I have a mint single fold (1 pinch) Blue based Guinea that's Fab. IDK but never checked to see if there's color inside, why bother? If I can't see Cobra effect in my hands, I could care less. Yet as one should know, single seam Guinea is the hardest to find, with a Cobra, in clear base, double that rarity. Just because a Guinea has some submarine action going on, doesn't make it tops Cool thing about Cobras or Cyclones is when there's enough clear above the colors, the inner sub-surface gets magnified it a bit. Because, in general, Cobras and Cyclones are made with crystal clear colorless glass. The topic Cobra appears to have some color blending happening: "Range of variation." Personally, I do not like to speculate a value albeit, chocomibs, 20k? or even 5k 1st off for a chipper? Yeah, that goes the distance. Mah, HA! HA! HA! Ma! HA! HA! HA!!I any fool who even considers that lack of seriousness by any ebay sellers who tempts that trick,. Seller repetition ZOOMS to zero. Online creditability on forums is already there now. "Hustler" Worse: It seems obvious now, for lack of knowledge, your past marble sales will lack identification, over and over and more. 'No clue what you do' Potentially' never, ever sell it for any price. Joking ;), Or am I? LOL. However, I am willing to take a ride on the reading, outbid Ric by more than 3, at $100 shipping included. Seriously though: I think it be wise to pay attention to Ron's valuations. Otherwise, your marble is pretty beat, somebody battered it on concrete curbs. If it was Mint I could see it, in a better market, getting a grand, maybe more, but it is NOT! nowhere close. NOT remotely close to near mint, which is usually half the value of mint. Your condition is only good, 'Collectible' which is the lowest but at least can be identified, that is a grade above sling shot ammo. As I said; I have a clear base Guinea Cobra, It's the real deal, Nice looping and clear panel to see the center colors, the best of the kind verses just sub surface that do not even compare. Yet it is chippy to0 and the worse if, right on the clear area that makes it very difficult to get a good photograph. However, in hand; chipped no problem it's a very nice cobra in there. and Nice Guinea surface color spots too. You do not even know what a freaken Guinea looks like. Mine is Double of what you have. makes it doubly top stuff. Twice, as it goes, Great multicolored cobra inside, you can't get better for that. Bought it on Ebay: described and photographed fairly acceptably by somebody who knew what they had.. 'But-it now' 50 bucks. So, @$100 that's double and mine is an actual Guinea Cobra. You, on the other hand, obviously have no clue and even with books, not even close. I mean: I do not think it's a Fake, and that Pig tail, it's weird and does make it a gable: real or fake. . I have seen a lot of Cobra/cyclones through the years. There's some faint memory of a pig tail on one, but too many marbles and years, today, I think it may have been a fake, IDK. . I have seen Cyclones that had to be Hand-Gathered. One in fact, in Amana Trusted conformations it was so, where it literally snaked with sort of a head. Another a local collector yet, still wonder, on occasion; had I not seen like kind in Amana, if it was a fake. Not talking pig tail but, snake. I've been fooled before, not often, a few times though, taught me a lesson. so,, and but, U no,, moving on: I managed to get most of the photos I saved years ago and thought lost on an old drive. These are the real deal albeit the top two are not mine. I saved them because, while I do not recall who, exactly, but were at the top of the game. I am attaching some example photos at end of this part. One the left certainly looks Hand-gathered, I'l eat my old flip flops. It may have been Les Jones, perhaps Danny Turner? just to long ago. Except, I saved it knowing, confidently: "No fake here" (Hint: CAC made plenty H-G marbles, opened 1925, well before Automated gob feeders functioned well enough to withstand the need to pump out box car loads a week. A little historical history: It didn't happen at Akro, as far as we know, until 1928. Yet potential as the whole glass industry developed, according to Michael Cohill whose primary study, is not marbles but the whole glass industry: it happened in 1924 of which, as I personally understand, could not make stripes yet. I know myself: This also goes back to 1909 investments to make this happen. However, 1924 should have been responsible for both marbles during Cohill's assessment in time: Akro and Peltier slags that are not hand-gathered. Accordingly: In 1924 It could gather a gob for everything Glass imaginable, but not control multiple streams and stripe yet. That's what Ira Freeze was working on in 1922, and not some crazy eyelashes from a dull shear blade. Yet, Ira Freeze could not put in automated gob feeders, it was still primitive rather, trying to bring multiple streams together is what he had patented and to me, I am surprised Freeze got a patent because it's not very unique yet moreover, appears to be common knowledge verses what's required for it: unique. . To that effect, CAC may have leased something that streamed multiple colors from who knows who,? making striped opaque and transparent., We can only speculate. Yet whenever I can get it done, Gonna surprise ya'll with things that came from the Akro HG dig, you probably not going to believe: how close Akro's HG marbles came to CAC slags.) The Photos attached below: On the right, gosh I can not remember her name, Patry? IDK but think she passed, bout 8 year ago. She was active for years and the top of the line in everything she collected. It does not say: Hand-gathered to me but it's probably a singled "Pinch", seam looping at the angle you can't see. Cobra or Cyclone and my personal observation and opinion of why there's a difference: I saved these two for reference because this is where you separate the boys from the girls: "What's the difference between a Cobra and Cyclone?". Essentially, they can be the same yet, one can have a C, single pinch loop, the other as well but Cyclones get wild. IE, a Guinea with some sub surface colors is top dog when there's looping and possibly shows something like multiple C layers in there. The Op's marble is clearly showing that pattern inside of it. On the other hand, in Cyclones, I want to see wild stuff like both of these photos have. The lower bottom marbles are mine and is poor junky photography of Cyclone half+ pieces, with plenty colors, junk phots do not show I made in a hurry, you can't see what they are so, please ignore them. I'll make better photos of em one day. maybe even better because I have over 20, combo half+ and chips pf guineas, and cyclones, quite a range of examples. In Fact, it's also why I would pay $100. Unlike many, I have collected all kinds of junk marbles because owning Junk is the cheapest way to learn. Or rather, having a real thing in hand is an education whereas I can tell with good photos because I own so may marbles junk or not. ;). What a company's color palette is. Your photos are, for all the chips, junk. Even your best color photos do not fit what colors I want to see. Rolling the dice on it for that too. As I said, "I would need to have that marble in hand" That's why: 'colors', yours are unusual too. ;( But, I like junk and unusual. ;| $100 shipped FIRM. Here's some photos I dug up from long ago: Patry's on right and I forgot on left and below are half pieces.. and another photo of mine:; a old small graphics sample half pieces although poor graphic, but with colors decent. They are two seam Cyclone examples. Note: The fabled white Cobra/Cyclone is at bottom left. It's NOT a fable wink, wink. However, the fact; if were it to be a whole marble, you can never tell the difference, because it's just Clear and white, otherwise, "Right prove it!" is what I'd say to anybody. Yet it, though a half piece, is answer to the mysterious fable. I mean, there's nothing other than provenance here "White Cobra/Cyclone? Yes; at least on a half piece; it is so. Good luck proving one, haha. I have a killer 5/8" clear and white marble, center is flaming, I'd love to say it's CAC but do not dare. I enjoy my creditability verses hyping something I am not sure of.
  10. Yeah I get that, but having a heck of a time making a good shot of my Guinea/cobra but, working on it. My dug up pieces are not comparable to it and yours, just samples for knowledge. Cool, yes but old photo and graphics in them is like antique junk now. chocomibs, Hybrid in CAC like yours is called "Exotic", a whole different level that ups the stakes in rarity and value. . Take an aspirin or call 911. 🤩
  11. All in due time fire. I found some of my old photos recently but, this is not my topic to interrupt wit some of my stuff. 😀
  12. I can see areas where it's clear and your photo I attached shows plenty reason to say, single seam multi color looping, but not exactly Guinea. Never seen a CAC except for the lopping, quite like this. ya even got a little pig tail on one end, pretty cool that which indicates some hand gathering element about it. . IDK as the colors are weird. Would need to have that in my hands to come up with better than a striped transparent Cobra/cyclone. In the case of CAC, when in doubt: color, color, color, the same as a Guinea tells it all. Well lets say, in most because I have some Cobra/cyclone dug-up half pieces that do not all fit Guinea's palette for being transparent. And a whole Guinea Cobra too, not dug-up but chippy as well. It's spotted as Guineas are and internal multi-colored looping as expected. Regardless, in yor photo below, this is internal loping I likes to see in a single seam cobra. for the outer swirling, in the other photos, it would fit in the Exotic arena:
  13. May you be thinking 'End of day' paneled onion skin. Fire polishing and especially grinded, faceting is usually obvious when you know what to expect. This has not been fire polished as when so, pontal is still there but made smooth. An 'End of cane' is when, whether ribbons or onion skin is when the center of the marble is open and finished round but ran out of cane colors, usually leaving a clear open, un-swirled ending. best example would be, say: 4 swirl ribbons and or latticinio that do not close on opposing side and are straight, not swirling into a twist as the other may or may not be twisting too. To that effect, it happens on onions and Joseph coats too. This is not an 'End of cane'.
  14. Not exactly seeing the HG 9 pattern in there easily but close as it's probably too hard to photograph it all. But, if so then, for being simi translucent it would be a Akro dug-up . The diggers who found them with several different colors called all MFC but, that was simple ignorance.
  15. Jeff54

    What ?

    WVS, I have been away far to long to recall what I'd considered back then, of the 100's I separated. However, I should not infer this on your marble B/C I do not know all of what Peltier's still unidentified may exist and laying in the vast WV swirls mountainous piles . .. And, but, so, I'll give you this and your photos: Loops or a strand of colors where the cut off begins and ends at the same spot. So, if you can follow one end through the marble, from all your photos it is going to end at the same spot in this photo, of yours,(below). Peltier did that on the few called exotic like surfer construction. ?? How in the heck did they do that? Imagine, if you will; take a ribbon or better, spaghetti and fold half the length hold both ends and wad it up into a ball where both ends are easy to see, that's what's going on here. It may be incidental when cut, it just happened. Yet, if not then how did it get half inside it and cuts show as if it was intently looped and then cut. That's a potential pattern that might show up in WV swirls that can be ID'd for it. I do not think Peltier because something would have showed up in site digs, bags, boxes etc. Yet, maybe somebody else did it too. Random or intent? A single strand (ribbon) cut off, beginning and end is in one spot, that makes it looped. .
  16. If it's any consolation, it's on my list, but I need to get my danged newer by 0ver 20 years than that old Sony Mavica floppy disk camera I'd used for this Bananas photograph to do the right thing. I've thought about smacking my 2015 Cannon but, it's got to be a head thing and I ain't into administering pain on the brain. So,, it's gonna take me a bit. 🥴
  17. Sorry don't have the liberty to photograph at this time, but that's the colors Bro, the whole bag contains blended variations of yellow and red Bananas. . Makes ya wonder don't it.
  18. Appears to be a 5/8" purple hand gathered slag. US manufacture pretty much limited to your pick: MFC, Akro, Peltier or CAC as, all made them and to say who is not practical because, mixed in a bucket, stick a punty rod in molten glass, twirl to gather the glass on rod and you're usually going to have the H-G form on all. Any striped pattern like this on a H-G slag is simply random because, it also predates automated gob feeder systems with multiple glass tanks, including nozzles and plungers designed to do it. Exceptions to the typical H-G pattern are when ground or melted pontal is apparent because those precede MFC's roller patent. .
  19. Perhaps not as random or hybrid when you have found an entire set, mint, in a 60's Peltier yellow poly bag:
  20. I have no clue too, but Green is a color that can unintentionally form aventurine crystals when cooling fairly slow. Usually happens while annealing in containers where, accordingly, some that are in the center of a container may develop aventurine because the center cools slower.
  21. Yes photo looks lavender but you have it in hand, whatever you see. And yes it is hand gathered, you can see the little nine , for me: as big as day. As to color, many, many times the white can be just a smidgin under the transparent color and appear as if it's not. Your photo showing it's H-G and the little 9 is covered over with the transparent color which appears lavender to me yet it is highly likely it's actually white under it as in all else, it is a H-G slag. Right here:
  22. "Range of variation" expect it, but the colors on yours are pretty regular, that alone despite whatever pattern you have or see is only made by Peltier. Albeit it gets even better when you have yellow on it too.
  23. Being that this is hand gathered there is no way to be sure who made it. Photo looks like lavender, yet you're calling brown? I have a CAC dug-up lavender slag, but that's the only way I know it's for sure CAC: provenance.
  24. Yeah, I thought you did but didn't exactly say so. Brings up my other option about it. Having samples and proper identification will improve your abilities to learn the colors Peltier's have on their multicolored and transparent. (MCS) So, next time it'll be easier. Knowledge is power. Personally, I've picked up junk for cheap, several years ago, just for this very reason.
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