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Everything posted by mibcapper

  1. ... 2 sparks and the rest i can't really tell because of the angle they show, the others don't show enuf colors to qualify ... bill
  2. 3 figure .. colored base .. multi color figures in sulphides .... 3" handmades ...... 2+" mica's ...... white .. .1 7/8" m.f.c. slags ...... just a few that are seen every so often ... bill
  3. .... a young fella in topeka kansas, with more patches on his britches than me, running off with my favorite shooter ... .... after he gave me a black eye ... .... bill
  4. many are lighter based almost showing orange in alot of examples that are considered " cows " by some. dark, chocolaty, with black ribbons, soaked in av. ..... this is the only dark base i have. rest are of the lighter side ... bill
  5. i agree griff ... yep .. with you .. har. too many " books " even recent publications, that don't have ALL the relevant info. that's available to be put forth. i'm not interested in a repeat of previous items already shown and same dialouge .... peltier book ??? will the recent disclosure of peltier documents be included ??? recent discoveries ??? what " respected " and involved sources will be included ??? or just .. 1 .. source ??? i would like to see a reading of something ... complete ..... NOT .. REHASHING .... of known ... unknowns .. ... j.m.o. ..... bill
  6. phil ... please contact me. paypal has gone weird with check-out .... bill
  7. i like the .. snakes also. multiple colors, especially more than 2, are hard to find .. bill
  8. me too al ... nicely ... but no responce ... i usually just grin and move on, but ... was bored ... bill
  9. on my way to the alley plant today, i stopped in at crossroads cafe ... a very nice place .. and glad i did. what an interesting piece of glass i found in there. some new innovations and techniques, with some adjustments and tweeking, and the final example will be worth the wait ... ... bill
  10. kinda like personal motives and bias involved here .... no more curiosity for me .. better things to do ... ..... .... ... bill
  11. .. ... and it just .. might fall apart in your hand ... ... bill
  12. hmmmm ... i get .. 2 .. miles down the road ... and ya .. find it .. ... ......... .. bill
  13. gonna miss our times at shows and conversations. a .. stand up .. man. gonna miss ya joe ... bill
  14. oops ... wrong spot ... sdmad is not who i was referring too ... bill
  15. yes they did. but other co.'s did also. similiar examples exist that have distinct differances upon side by side comparisions. no examples have been found at the pennsboro site, but have been found in st. mary's. excavation efforts at other co. sites is still to be arranged and done to validate which figurine is attributed to the proper maker. but, alley's example's can definately be i.d. from their obvious markings. and there are several. much more can be written on this, but the study is a work in progress and more will be divulged when the evidence is .. in hand. bill
  16. har ... his reply was calling me a jackass ... and as said ... buyer beware and learn before buying ... bill
  17. also sent him a message on phony listing. .. har .. waiting for a reply ... obvious b.s. ... bill
  18. terry lundeen ... and a bit .. reserved . .. bill
  19. ... yum .. yum ... for sale .. ........ bill
  20. ......... .... .... ...... .... hillbilly humor ... bill
  21. mint examples of m.f.c. at 1 5/8" .. in amber .. can fetch $600. + .. blue's a bit more ... understand fluctuating prices, i've seen 1 white wayne sanders had ... priceless ... bill
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