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Everything posted by lstmmrbls

  1. Very cool. The rainbos can be pretty darn interesting!
  2. Great to see your latest work. Absolutely fantastic and Ro all the way. Galen
  3. I believe the so called Canadian types are of a later date. I am betting those were MFCs
  4. top right click your name. Then click Personal Messenger
  5. it just sends out emails with a link to various contacts in his address book. probably just didn't get to yours Rich.
  6. not so sure rolled in a ball is really in much of a state of compression. and once the various materials have bee melted and made glass I believe density is fairly close with different colors. Its all glass. Now different chemicals in the glass can react at different temperatures or length at temp. To create color variations. Adding or removing oxygen can also create variuos reactions. I think what made up the glass would create most of the variations we see.
  7. To keep from going insane I had to stop trying to figure out the very strange abnormalities(normalities?) of CAC 1 and 2 seam marbles. They exhibit too many crazy traits. Many are made like placing your palms together then clasping your fingers. Here is an example of that. It also appears that many were reheated along the process. ie; getting the guineas to melt smooth. Single seam CACs are most likely to exhibit strange swirling smudging twisting etc, as they make no sense at all.
  8. top right 12 are SCWEEEEEEET! The rest are not too shabby at all.
  9. soap and water. If all glass and they are crusty CLR works great.
  10. First thing I can say is the person making most of the accusations has probably studied very few CAC striped opaques for any length of time and I wonder if he even owns any. Second I also wonder if he has actually ever torched marbles or spent time with a torch worker repairing marbles. That being said without it in hand or with more magnified pics I would have a hard time saying this marble was torched for sure.. And if you look close at the marble listed that it should look like, you will see many of the same features called to question on your marble. Just my opinion.
  11. 3 killers for sure. The big one I am unsure of but the right 2 look CAC to me. Really like the oddball on the right,
  12. The CACs I have seen in the red white and blue have opaque red.
  13. I bought a handfull from a dealer that brought his keeper stuff for the first time to sell as he was getting out of marbles. Being the second one in the door I did very well. And he was very gracious with his pricing. The oddball Peltier is really cool but no one seamed to know exactly where it belinged since it is so different. And the pure Cobalt base isn't really something Peltier is known for. I even get a feeling it may be a very odd CAC although not likely. Clyde talked me out of all the 4 Pelts. And they were killers
  14. All the blue glass does make it a stand out.
  15. All the way CAC. It is like these 2 from the Grocki Box
  16. Thanks for getting tired of it laying around Ken!!!
  17. yes, that is really heavy blue aventurine on the Alley. And I may be able to make it to Fullerton this year
  18. The reason it look polished is because sulphides of that size almost all ways show concentric ridges that encircle the marble. They are part of the process from the original rounding. I have never seen an original surfaced sulphide of a larger size that did not have these ridges. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=bear+sulphide&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=jabo-+southern_marbles-&_sacat=See-All-Categories&_okw=bear+sulphide&_oexkw=jabo-+southern_marbles-&_adv=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=200&_fpos=Zip+code&_fsct=&LH_SALE_CURRENCY=0&_sop=1&_dmd=1&_ipg=50 http://www.ebay.com/csc/i.html?_nkw=bear+sulphide&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=jabo-+southern_marbles-&_sacat=See-All-Categories&_okw=bear+sulphide&_oexkw=jabo-+southern_marbles-&_adv=1&LH_Complete=1&_udlo=&_udhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=200&_fpos=Zip+code&_fsct=&LH_SALE_CURRENCY=0&_sop=1&_dmd=1&_ipg=50
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