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Everything posted by TerryT35

  1. TerryT35


    Yes It's a Akro corkscrew.
  2. I lost a very good marble buddy last night Lonnie Conyers. RIP my friend you will be missed.
  3. I also have one. It is soooooo close to a Popeye. The clear isn't crystal clear, just slightly milky. Backlight and it has a moonie glow. The brown/burnt red is translucent.
  4. TerryT35

    Big Old Car

    Did somebody say 1932???? Mine.....
  5. TerryT35

    Bike Day

    Sweet Scooter there Ray!!!
  6. TerryT35

    Bike Day

    Post a picture of it Ray. I would love to see it.
  7. Just wondering...What makes the first one an Exotic???? Isn't it just a Striped Opaque?
  8. One you don't see very often,a corkscrew.
  9. R.I.P. Clyde you will be missed.
  10. Hey Scott, Glad to see your still around and working glass.
  11. Corkscrews with aventurine....
  12. Thanks kbobam, This is what I started with on the 32 about 30 years ago. PS Lloyd I like the Dagoed Disaster!
  13. A few that haven't gotten away....... 1938 Chev 1932 Ford
  14. Hey Mike, The logo on your Moto-Meter looks like the Indy 500 logo. Maybe it has a race connection?! Or a souvenir type item?
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