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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by wvrons

  1. CAC and a mistake. an error, not any planned production. Not metallic, it is impurity on the surface and all companies had it at some time or another. Even CAC had errors.
  2. Alox marble machine. The four people are 3 different families all connected by marbles. They all bought equipment and marbles from each other. Left is Frank Sellers- Alley grandson. Center is Nancy Frier- granddaughter and daughter of the two Alox owners. Right is Ray Weekly and husband- her father was owner of Ravenswood Novelty. All present to see this machine run one more time. Pictures of the Alox machine at Jabo . Then at my house. Then I took it back home to the original Alox factory in St.Louis. It is now in a museum in St. Louis. The last picture is Bill McCaleb with Nancy Frier's father, the last owner of Alox, who has passed on.
  3. I agree the Sunburst name is fuzzy or can be argued many times. I don't place a lot of value with names any more. Many names have been stretched so far that the original intent or meaning has been lost. There is not much difference in value with most Comets, Sunburst, or Brushed Patches by Master. Most master are in the $3.00 to $5.00 range. There are a few Masters that get higher values. The darker the colors are and less colors equals less the value. The better ones have bright colors and usually a good amount of clear.
  4. I am thinking Peach CAC. That twist of the white would be very odd for most WV swirls.
  5. It might be CAC ?
  6. Cairo Novelty or Jabo Classic ? Probably Jabo.
  7. Master. Where have you searched to find the difference between a Master Comet or Sunburst ?
  8. You can also get the goldstone in small rectangle cubes, 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch by 3/4 or one inch long. We put them in the furnace at Jabo, trying to add goldstone or lutz to the marbles. Very little of it ever showed up. You can buy goldstone in chunks by weight 5lbs.- 10lbs. or more. The center or heart of these chunks always would strike or show on the marbles. The outer parts of the goldstone chunks were used to make oxblood.
  9. Tough call. I would be 60% chance Alley and 40% chance Ravenswood .
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