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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by wvrons

  1. You are welcome. It will all come together in time. It is a big puzzle and takes lots of time and effort. We all want to try and make a marble something it is not. We all want our marbles to be worth the work and effort. We all want that $1.00 marble to be worth $100.00. It happens but way more often not than when it finally does. Don't forget each company made millions per week. Some companies for many years. When you can identify 10,000 different ones you have a good start.
  2. They sold clear marbles. But not with roll marks.
  3. No Root Beer Float. Not close to looking like a Root Beer Float. They never made a 5/8 Root Beer Float. They never intended to make scrap. But this clearie was, bad glass and roll marks.
  4. Vitro error Blackie. Both poles should have been blue with a dark band around the center. It is a white base marble and the poles should have been blue with the dark band around the middle. Not a hybrid, a error not enough blue for coverage of both poles. No purple just thin blue. The only colors are white base and then added the blue and dark purple to the base.
  5. Vitro type one Tiger Eye. The most common Tiger Eye. Weak on the purple and fractured bad, chipped and moons.
  6. Probably two Alleys. One Jackson and one Ravenswood. A Cairo or Champion.
  7. White base purple swirl by L.E. Alley. Not a flame.
  8. I don't think it is Alley. It also looks newer like most in this group. Are they worth it ? I agree NO !
  9. Champion Agate Pennsboro WV. . No horsehair was used. The thin narrow oxblood just reminded someone of horsehair. The horsehair oxblood is sometimes more brown than red like most oxblood. It is glass and when made was at 1700-2000F degrees. Red hot flowing glass rolled into a marble. Any horsehair would disappear before it touched the hot glass.
  10. Yes the one shooter is a Vitro Parrott. I cannot determine what the condition is ? Parrott prices were at the bottom but have climbed back up to almost normal. A mint 7/8 with aventurine is now about $60.00. Mint without av is about $50.00. NM to NM+ is about $25.00-40.00. NM- is about $10.00 . As usual, as the grade drops the value drops fast.
  11. That is great. It is good to have actual marbles in hand to study and learn from.
  12. It would be highly unusual for this one to have aventurine. I don't see any but it may be the pictures ? Many times small bubbles fool people thinking they are aventurine. Some Pelt Rainbo's contain aventurine but the numbers are small compared to the numbers of Rainbo's produced. Collectors are seeking out any Rainbow's with aventurine. If they are in nm+ to mint.
  13. Once you see some oxblood in hand. After that there is not doubts. There are hundreds or more different shades of red. There are different shades or variations of oxblood color.
  14. Alley Coral. Not rare, easy to find. To much damage for any value to most collectors. It is a good learning tool. It would likely be in a 25 cent to a $1.00 box at most shows.
  15. There are already more Peltier marble names than you can remember. There already is a lemon Lime Peltier.
  16. Those prices are way out of normal from what I see at about ten shows per year, I also think they are out of norm even for ebay etc. Marble prices or values go up and down every year. Plus what a marble is priced at does not mean they are selling for that. Many people have extra high hopes. Some people price marbles very high which they really want to keep. Of course condition is the main key in price or value. A mint $500.00 with a noticeable chip will then be $100.00 or way less. Every pinprick sparkle or mark will deduct from the value. Some named marbles get popular for a year or two and then drop drastically. Some marbles hardly ever change in value. Usual mint two color popeyes in the last five years have been from $30.00 then $10.00 and back to $20.00 . Listed prices mean very little unless they are recently sold and numbers of the same. Internet site prices or values vary to the extremes. I am confident that I could buy your marbles pictured above, at most shows for $3.00 to $10.00 each.
  17. Alley. Most dark looking or black looking glass in machine made marbles is actually purple. About three maybe four companies actually produced black glass. Now you can find out which ones ? About every WV swirl company made dark purple and white swirls. If you check close some will look dark or black and will actually be brown . Some can be separated by the swirl pattern and some cannot.
  18. You just missed the Decatur IL marble show in April. There will be another one in Nov. You can learn as much in a couple days at a show as a year from a book. Many new collectors are missing a lot by not attending shows. Seems like many new and younger collectors want to do everything on the internet. That also is great but there is nothing on the internet to compare with actually meeting and talking to experienced collectors and viewing or holding the actual thing in your hands. Both are needed to become a well rounded and knowledgeable marble collector.
  19. More info, better info, things change with time.
  20. I see probably 16 Alleys. A couple Ravenswoods. Maye a couple Jabo ? A couple ??? Would need more views of each to be sure. The five blue base ones are Alley. the flames are Alley.
  21. Foreign - European - German
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