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Lets See Your Yard Sale Finds

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I put together a little animated gif to display what has to be "my best find ever" (last year).....Ive been a regular vendor at the Pasadena City College Flea market for the past 11 years now.....and a person who I occasionally find furniture for came to MY BOOTH and immediately said he was looking for $60 for the Jar (A total of 144 marbles).....after pouring all of those Oxblood's out I actually felt obligated to offer a much higher amount which he was glad to take.....I dont want to reveal how much I paid for the marbles but I will say this:.....It cost me less than what it would cost for a full steak dinner for a party of two at an expensive steakhouse (with wine).....I'm still "stoked"


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After selling at "this particular" flea market (PCC) for several years, you develop regular customers...Sometimes you will make between $200 to $500....but other times you wont make enough to pay for the booth....The demand is not that high, but the "uniqueness" of having nothing but marbles at your booth is an attention getter for many people visiting the flea.......It definitely has to be an "antique venue" type of flea market and not the kind where consumables and new items are being sold....hope that answers your question

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I never really found anything interesting at yard sales. I started collecting around 1992 and would visit flea markets. There was a guy from Evansville Indiana that would set up and he had baggies full of nice marbles. Most of them were great MFC slags. I stopped looking for them once Ebay got started.

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Think you made the right decision fishslayer griff :lol:

Well not from a yard sale but a flea market there were no antique bottles or marbles at the 2 markets i went to until i spied these in a little seal bag and for 2 bucks and out of sheer desperation to buy something i snapped them up :blush:

Dunno what they are just modern, although a couple could maybe pass for old at the bottom front :)



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