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Akro Boxes Edit: One Unusual Akro Box -- G. A. R. -- 1932

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Maybe you can answer a question about this item. The box you have pictured here looks nothing like the one in Hardy's excellent book The Complete Line of the Akro Agate (attached), what I have always considered the definitive reference on Akro. However the picture of the one in Hardy's book looks exactly like the one that was one Ebay. I collector friend has this same box and it looks just like the one in the book also. Why don't these pictures match? What makes you think the one you have pictured is not a fake? Or do you think the one in Hardy's book is a fake?


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Maybe you can answer a question about this item. The box you have pictured here looks nothing like the one in Hardy's excellent book The Complete Line of the Akro Agate (attached), what I have always considered the definitive reference on Akro. However the picture of the one in Hardy's book looks exactly like the one that was one Ebay. I collector friend has this same box and it looks just like the one in the book also. Why don't these pictures match? What makes you think the one you have pictured is not a fake? Or do you think the one in Hardy's book is a fake?


Neither Hardy's box nor the box in post #1 are fakes.

Where did your friend get their box from?

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The picture in Hardy's book is 23-years-old. I suspect the lighting skewed the colors. The one "like" this on eBay recently only matched the colors in the Hardy book. It had one significant difference on the label. If I'm correct about my take on the coloring, this could be a case of bad lighting in an old photo tricking the box copier and saving the day for collectors.

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Hardy's box is incomplete. However, Hardy's box does look like the blue marbles are the correct size. The inner box was for the smaller marbles. The larger marbles went on the edge. The box on ebay got the marble sizes wrong and I suspect if I saw them closely I would confirm the marble structures were also wrong.

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Well, the book should say that that box is incomplete because that makes my friends box also incomplete in exactly the same way, which is curious. However, I sure wouldn't have the heart to tell him that. Well, thanks for the info!!!!

There is a good chance your friend's box is fake.

You can blame it on Hardy's book or you can tell us where he got his box from or you can believe ignorance is bliss and not "have the heart to tell him that."

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No. He is an old man and hates computers.

I too am an old man and I hate computers as well.

A genuine box missing an insert is not a real big deal.

But if I had a fake box that I thought valuable, and a friend who suspects that it could be fake but does not tell me, I would hope that person would stop calling me their friend.

Where did he get his box?

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Bumblebee, that's pretty cool. Have you tried that with that Ebay box?

Hdesousa, that's pretty harsh. If I had a friend that made hot dogs, I would hope he wouldn't tell me how they were made so I could keep on enjoying them. My friend is not into worth but aesthetics and we are way beyond either of us ever NOT calling the other friend. I will ask him where he got his Akro box and see if I can get a photo, but knowing him he probably still uses a Brownie with real film.

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Look at the bar on the Ebay box. And that is not the only difference in the print.

I don't like giving people lessons on how to improve the details of their reproductions. But the Ebay box does not match the Hardy box. And that is in addition to the marbles being wrong and the box structure sending up warning flags.





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It's a scary good copy, and the forger's next copy is going to be even better now that they see some of the things they need to fix.

Someone is going to get burned.

But I'm still glad I got to learn about the real deal. And hopefully the forger will still make some other mistakes so we can catch them again.

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Also at the risk of help forgers produce better boxes, it would be nice to see magnified images of the label (to determine the printing method used) and also magnified images of the inside and outside box corners (to determine construction). Forget the marbles, anyone can throw marbles in a box. Also, the Hardy box paper covering the cardboard is different than the box in question.

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In case you miss my post in the other thread I believe all the GAR boxes with those dates are fake as there does not appear to be ant legit record of A GAR gathering on that date. And definitely not in Washington D.C. Maybe some super squirrel deep research can prove me wrong??

G.A.R records

24-28 August 1930

Cincinnati, Ohio

Sixty-fourth National GAR Encampment

3-6 June 1930

Biloxi, Mississippi

Fortieth National UCV Reunion

13-18 September 1931

Des Moines, Iowa

Sixty-fifth National GAR Encampment

2-5 June 1931

Montgomery, Alabama

Forty-first National UCV Reunion

18-24 September 1932

Springfield, Illinois

Sixty-sixth National GAR Encampment

21-24 June 1932

Richmond, Virginia

Forty-second National UCV Reunion

17-22 September 1933

St. Paul, Minnesota

Sixty-seventh National GAR Encampment

12-18 August 1934

Rochester, New York

Sixty-eighth National GAR Encampment

6-8 June 1934

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Forty-fourth National UCV Reunion

8-14 September 1935

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Sixty-ninth National GAR Encampment

3-6 September 1935

Amarillo, Texas

Forty-fifth National UCV Reunion

20-26 September 1936

Washington, D.C.

Seventieth National GAR Encampment

9-12 June 1936

Shreveport, Louisiana

Forty-sixth National UCV Reunion

5-10 September 1937

Madison, Wisconsin

Seventy-first National GAR Encampment

9-12 June 1937

Jackson, Mississippi

Forty-seventh National UCV Reunion

4-9 September 1938

Des Moines, Iowa

Seventy-second National GAR Encampment

29 June-6 July 1938

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Blue and Gray Reunion

30-31 August-1-2 September 1938

Columbia, South Carolina

Forty-eighth National UCV Reunion

27 August-1 September 1939

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Seventy-third National GAR Encampment

22-25 August 1939

Trinidad, Colorado

Forty-ninth National UCV Reunion

8-13 September 1940

Springfield, Illinois

Seventy-fourth National GAR Encampment

8-11 October 1940

Washington, D.C.

Fiftieth National UCV Reunion

14-19 September 1941

Columbus, Ohio

Seventy-fifth National GAR Encampment

14-15 October 1941

Atlanta, Georgia

Fifty-first National UCV Reunion

13-18 September 1942

Indianapolis, Indiana

Seventy-sixth National GAR Encampment

23-26 June 1942

Chattanooga, Tennessee

Fifty-second National UCV Reunion

19-24 September 1943

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Seventy-seventh National GAR Encampment

10-15 September 1944

Des Moines, Iowa

Seventy-eighth National GAR Encampment

30 September-4 October 1945

Columbus, Ohio

Seventy-ninth National GAR Encampment

25-30 August 1946

Indianapolis, Indiana

Eightieth National GAR Encampment

10-14 August 1947

Cleveland, Ohio

Eighty-first National GAR Encampment

28-30 September 1948

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Eighty-second National GAR Encampment

5-7 October 1948

Montgomery, Alabama

Fifty-eighth National UCV Reunion

28 August-1 September 1949

Indianapolis, Indiana

Eighty-third National GAR

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That would mean someone was faking Akro boxes by 1992. With fancy labels and what appear to be well-matched fish-eye marbles.

I'll try to do some digging. And I know at least one other who will try to meet the challenge. I hope we find the convention.

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