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Oddball Yellow Jacket

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I thought about the bottom one being an all-red instead.  (Some may have performed double duty as all-reds or yellow jackets as needed.)

But no matter what that clear is different.  Both the veneering machine and the internal glass machine were shooting blanks on that one.  

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Bo, I think the one on the left here might be one of those fancy conquerors. Orrrr it could be a special Tiger Eye. Hopefully someone else can say.  And the pronounced clearness on the other is definitely different.  Belongs in the category of oddball Vitros:


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Thanks Ron for calling them Vitro, glad to hear that, never seen any like these before. That crazy red lipstick color had me think KOKOMO? for a while, the other oddball vitro marbles. Not sure I have a yellow jacket LOL


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On May 27, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Steph said:

Bo, I think the one on the left here might be one of those fancy conquerors. Orrrr it could be a special Tiger Eye. Hopefully someone else can say.  And the pronounced clearness on the other is definitely different.  Belongs in the category of oddball Vitros:


The one to the left is an Exotic Conqueror.  You don't see those every day...at least I don't.  John

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John ,I pictured those two together because in my opinion those two marbles are similar in construction and both have transparent base glass, just an opinion. Here are some other exotics for you to see, hope I'm not dragging this thread too far off course. These are not all Exotics.  Bo


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A Vitro Yellow Jacket is similar to the Black Line All Red. But the colors are more bright rich or bold on Yellow Jackets. They will have a yellow patch on one pole and a red patch on the other pole. They will have a blue or green or purple ribbon around the middle or from seam to seam. If the center ribbon is brown it should be rich or bold. The Black Line All Red center ribbon will be more narrow and most times more towards black color. The larger size 7/8 Yellow Jackets can swirl some. The 5/8 size Yellow Jackets are definite patch and ribbon style.

Vitro was not 100% accurate in their advertising or their packaging. I have a original plastic bag 100 count with the Vitro Yellow Jacket header but it contains all All Red marbles. Plus all kinds of things happen during production. So there will be variations. Some people will stretch a certain marble into a long family. But is that 4th cousin variation down the line have the same meaning or value as the original true thing ? When I say Vitro Yellow Jacket to someone on the phone. I want them to think of a Vitro white base with a red patch a yellow patch and a ribbon around the middle of blue green or purple maybe bold brown color.  I would not sell ones which the red and yellow touch side by side or the blue or green looks more like a patch as a Yellow Jacket. These were not the intended production for a true Yellow Jacket. These were seconds or mistakes. They are a variation of the Yellow Jacket. Value more or less is up to the buyer. Many of the larger size Vitros tend to swirl instead of the intended patch and ribbon style There are many swirled Parrots. Some of these are sold at higher value or lower value than the traditional patch style.

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 I think that one would be a Yellow Jacket. The dark ribbon around the center is much wider than most considered as Black Line All Red. There are many Vitros that can possibly fall into different name groups. Tiger eyes are a good example. There are four identified basic types but we have also seen at least two or three other variations from the four basic types most people know. Originally the intended production for Parrots were 7/8 inch opaque white base and another four colors with no white showing. Plus we know that there are some translucent white base Parrots. There are many Parrots where the white base shows. Some collectors say a white base and three colors is a Parrot. Again it is variations from the intended or original goal. Many things happen during production that change the intent. The man who was responsible for the first production Parrots and myself think the most true and most valuable Parrot is the 7/8 opaque white base and another four colors with no white showing. I like the swirled ones but the man who made the first ones said the patch ones were the best. That was the goal.

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 I also think the red and yellow colors on yours is more bold brighter or richer than ones considered Black Line All reds. This is one of those that could possibly be argued to fit into a couple different names. Many of the Vitro marbles were named by the company and there is no specific detailed guide from the company. Just original packages and advertisements which can vary.

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