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Question about sulfides. I keep hearing and reading about how rare and collectable they are but it seams they can't give them away on ebay. 

What is it? To many fakes, condition, or just that collectors have moved in a different direction? 


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So what's hot in the last couple of months?  Or does it change weekly Or from show to show?  This conversation makes me wonder if subconsciously I'm stepping over the line from collecting into dealing. I give away some nice marbles but have never sold one. Anyway, what's hot now please? 

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1 hour ago, budwas said:


So what's hot in the last couple of months?  Or does it change weekly Or from show to show?  This conversation makes me wonder if subconsciously I'm stepping over the line from collecting into dealing. I give away some nice marbles but have never sold one. Anyway, what's hot now please? 


It doesn't cycle that quickly.  And the cycles aren't predictable.  IMO - the warmer the economy - the quicker the cycles come.  The more free cash the collector base has to spend - the more people look for something "new".  The economy having been in the dumper since 2008 - the cycles have slowed considerably.

I remember a long time ago there was a year where HTF high end MKs were selling at crazy prices.  That lasted just a bit less than a year IIRC.

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As far as sulfides go, you also just have to like sulfides.  I don't, particularly, but fairly long ago, when I was collecting only handmades, I decided I really should have at least one.  Mostly because of my self-imposed size restriction (nothing larger than 1 1/8") it was a tough project.  Small sulfides were a little harder to find, and therefore more expensive.  What a pain.  But after a while I finally got a small dog sulfide in close to mint condition.  And just as I suspected I would be . . . I was done,  Still only have that one sulfide.  But I didn't know they had fallen out of favor in general.

Alley was pretty hot a couple of years ago.

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23 hours ago, ann said:

As far as sulfides go, you also just have to like sulfides.  I don't, particularly, but fairly long ago, when I was collecting only handmades, I decided I really should have at least one.  Mostly because of my self-imposed size restriction (nothing larger than 1 1/8") it was a tough project.  Small sulfides were a little harder to find, and therefore more expensive.  What a pain.  But after a while I finally got a small dog sulfide in close to mint condition.  And just as I suspected I would be . . . I was done,  Still only have that one sulfide.  But I didn't know they had fallen out of favor in general.

Alley was pretty hot a couple of years ago.

Interesting Ann.  Couple of things...I've been on this shooter and under size requirement for some time....but occasionally I stumble on the bigger sizes of all types of marbles and have hung on to those too.  Mostly, I'm collecting and not selling, and so, if I want to see them as  bigger marbles, I just use my scope or loop and bingo, the get bigger! Storage issues are lower, and I find more specimens, for less money, and have much more room for them in my drawers. I rather think big marbles are sometimes kludgy, overstated and indelicate.   And, I too only have one sulfide and it breaks my size rule by almost 2x that came along with a small number of hand mades....and I decided too I should have one.  A first and last sulfide for me (and but I don't decry those who like them; I enjoy the enthusiasms of others even if I don't tag along).

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