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A different Christmas

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     We tried to keep our spirits up while not seeing anyone this Xmas, but I didn't know it would be this hard. We all either called or texted ea. other, opened our Fed X boxes while on the phone, gave congrats to the newly engaged grandson & girlfriend, . & thanked ea. other for the new fridge we got for ourselves....& it was 12:15 -no grandkids to play toys with, no dinner to gather around- this pandemic sucks !!! đź‘Ž.... Bill turned to basket ball & I got out marbles. I started putting together look-alike marbles & after a while I had eaten up 3 hours looking through marbles by every company & had forgotten to feel sorry for myself, another reason to be thankful for having discovered marbles. Here's what I came up with....I hope you all found ways to get through this season: be safe, & hope for a better year for all of us


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A quiet Christmas here too which I am used to.    I made a couple of phone calls. 

Got a care package from England ... with treats the family thought I might not have seen here.  I wish I had let them know that I was curious to try "spotted dick".  They did send me some "mushy peas", which I had earlier expressed curiosity about.

(In case you were unaware, there are marbles called spotted dicks ... but it's also an English pudding.)

I haven't had tried the mushy peas yet.  I had some teas and some jelly babies and other treats.  

Here are the spotted dicks I got in the heartwarming Advent present which a small army of marble collectors sent me last year.  



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