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Peltier ? Figure8 or worse


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Okay ... I _think_ it's a figure 8.  That was my first impression.


But the ribbons aren't very angled, are they.  I suppose it could be a Pelt.


In this case, one might consider other clues.  What other marbles were found with it?  

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11 minutes ago, Al Oregon said:

I lean to Pelt as, I think, as Steph mentioned, the ends of the ribbons on a Figure 8 come together.  But, as in the upper left couple in this picture that Winnie had posted back in 2010 of Figure 8's - .....?


Figure eight style (winnie 9-10).jpg

The one in the bottom middle is the same with other colored glass , so figure 8 ?

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A figure 8 has four ribbons on the surface. The ends of the four ribbons come together at the cut on each side or half of the marble making a 8 pattern.  I don't know that anyone ever found proof who or where these were made.  

The colored ribbons make a 8 pattern. With a Peltier Baseball pattern the ends of four ribbons meet at the cut on each side. But they curve like the threads on a base ball. The ribbon ends do not go towards each other to meet together almost to a point at the cut line on each side or half of the marble like the figure 8 does.   

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Most arguments I see are between Germany, Europe & or Japan made, "I know" rather a wide stance on manufacturer. Who knows ?? Hopefully some day positive provenance on them will be found ?? I found a pic that I think represents this type rather well, Different sizes & colors, pic compliments of AAM. Realizing there are always exceptions, I have a few Rainbo's that are very close to the 8 configuration.


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3 hours ago, Chad G. said:

Most arguments I see are between Germany, Europe & or Japan made, "I know" rather a wide stance on manufacturer. Who knows ?? Hopefully some day positive provenance on them will be found ?? I found a pic that I think represents this type rather well, Different sizes & colors, pic compliments of AAM. Realizing there are always exceptions, I have a few Rainbo's that are very close to the 8 configuration.


So the last picture of mine shows a green one , this marble was indentified as a peltier , here or on the other forum 




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1 hour ago, Mojomarblelicious said:

So the last picture of mine shows a green one , this marble was indentified as a peltier , here or on the other forum 




I see a figure 8 in this pic !! Some are so close it's really hard to tell, just telling ya what I see. It would be pretty strange to get a whole load of figure 8's and only one pelt rainbo, especially living where you do. As Pelts of any kind are HTF there. Both 8's & rainbo's came in a multitude of colors so I would say you have to go on structure. Again many unanswered questions in this area, I'll just give my point of view and remain neutral, all perspective at this point, no provenance.


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I am also neutral about figure 8 or some Peltiers. Because I have no good evidence as to who or where they were made.  Some I have problems were to place it, Peltier or figure 8 ?  I am aware that good numbers have come from  Germany, Europe, Japan, Canada. But myself, Nola and others have found these steady at most marble shows. Most people ask me is this a Peltier ? Do I have it in the right group ?  I do not put high confidence in placing them with a certain company or place just because many of that group are from a certain company. I had it and seen it fail to many times to be reliable for me. It is a factor but not high for me. Nola recently bought a dozen from me that I had picked up in groups of other marbles the last year or so.  This has been steady with me for at least 15-20 years. I have never bought one from Canada, Europe or outside the USA. Maybe people just add them in with their lower value Peltiers and they do not get attention ?  I have always wondered why could they not be made by Peltier ? They are very close to Peltier four ribbons types. The colors would fit Peltier, the base glass, will fit Peltier. The ribbon pattern could easily fit with Peltier. Not all the ribbons on any companies marbles stayed in line or the exact same all the time. I just have a long list of unanswered questions yet.  Are the from Peltier or some one else ?  I do not know. So if you want to call it figure 8 or call the same marble Peltier, that is fine with me. If the four ribbons join together near the same point at the cut line. I agree that they are called figure 8's.  But the problem happens when the four ribbons do not join near the same point and have space between at the cut line.  Where is the point of how much space that a Peltier four ribbon marble becomes a figure 8 ????  I have no way of knowing if any were dug at Peliter ? I have not seen big numbers, I mean buckets dug from the Peltier site. If they were dug they would they be sold as Peltier or figure 8 . Did the digger put them in his collection as Peltier ?  Did the digger sell or trade it someone and never tell then that it was dug at Peltier ?  Just lots of unanswered questions yet and my thoughts. Good discussion, but figure 8 always is.  Your choice were they are placed in your marbles.  But things can and do change with new, more or better information.  A marble collector should be willing to change as time goes by. I have change many marbles in my collection every year for 25 years from one company or maker over to a different one.  New, more or better information and it may end up in a different display case next year ? 

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