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Instead of what tree you’d be.


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Now I get it, if not a tree---- and not an Ash tree especially (they are all dead or dying around me)—I would be this almost-a marble. I have touched and felt and looked at this one way more that any that I may have. I remember Gino, the Peltier King wanting to buy it from me or make a trade--- sorry too special to me even back then, and he offered me a great deal.

This  almost Akro marble is a Step-child for sure.

If you have ever felt afraid of posting or asking about anything on this site, or you have felt like a step-child on other sites—fear not, all are accepted here, along with your opinions and insights. They will be regarded as a learning tool to the masses that are involved with this site.

I have felt this “step child way” way plenty of times but never here. I appreciate all that all of you have done, to accept the ones that are not accepted in the other worlds and sites of marble collecting. No judgment and no ill words, just acceptance and patience.

This site rocks and welcomes all regardless of experience or knowledge.

Keep on marbling and keep on posting and asking.




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I think (others disagree) that the small egg shaped ones were done on purpose and used as darning eggs. Some Ladies gloves had very small fingers and so needed a small egg. Most you see are polished wood. but too many glass perfect eggs show up for it to be accidental. thanks


darning egg1.JPG

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