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A weird messed up helmet variation is what I had in mind too. They did this color combo with helmets. If you had a video where a tiger eye starts to morph into a black faced helmet, this marble would be what appears at the halfway point lol.

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On 9/2/2022 at 1:28 PM, cheese said:

A weird messed up helmet variation is what I had in mind too. They did this color combo with helmets. If you had a video where a tiger eye starts to morph into a black faced helmet, this marble would be what appears at the halfway point lol.

That's a super great description. I think you're right on the money with that!

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6 hours ago, Fire1981 said:

Huh? Iโ€™m confused. Vitro Tiger Eyes are veneered. These arenโ€™t. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

The only marble I've ever seen withย  black like yours and tiger orangish and white, is a Master Tiger eye. Could swear I have one but seems to be hiding. I think the colors answer this and leave just one: black: MM vs Vitro. All the MM's I have with black are like Peltier's, that are actually a very dark green. In my Vitro box: IDK as a lot of ya'll have continued marching in this direction more than I, but all the blacks are dark purple.ย 

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Ture black is rare with marbles. But it is there., Break them and find out.ย  Vitro did have some but very little true black.ย  The helmet is one of them. The black helmets are very hard to find


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I guess that I also got lost some place above ?ย  I thought the discussion went to Master or possible Vitro ?ย  Then maybe a messed up Vitro Helmet.ย  Then comments that if Vitro even had marbles with black.ย ย 

I guess that I am mixed up on cut line shapes.ย  I have never associated a V shaped cutter pull, or V trait, with Peltier or Vitro cut lines.ย  I have always seen Peltier, Vitro and Akro as very straight and or slightly curved or rounded cut lines.ย  I thought Master cut lines were very similar to Imperial cut lines, which are very deep curve U or V and the opposite cut line is very pointed.ย 

Oh well, I guess to much information can be a problem.ย  If needed it is not problem to cut the opinions, info, and pictures back to far less.ย  The bottom line or end result is label your marble anything you want to.ย ย 

Sorry if your thread got hijacked.ย ย 


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IMO, the whole discussion was and is based on the OP....simply a discussion of color, cuts and companies. All opinions SHOULD be welcome. This isn't the first thread where other companies and different types of marbles were used in an effort to educate while trying to come too an ID conclusion on the OP marble.ย 

It's all good. This was, and still is, simply just an effort by our peers too offer their assistance any way they can. Not a "hijacking" .....Like Art would say, "Opinions are welcomed and needed". After all, that is why marbles are posted here, right? ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

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10 hours ago, Fire1981 said:

What do Vitro Helmets have to do with my marble ? Start a Black Helmet thread. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

It all seemed pretty on topic to me, since what we have here is a marble with traits of both the Master Tiger Eye and the Vitro Tri-Lite, so rolling out examples of each for discussion is what we hope people can do.ย 

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