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Everything posted by VTAndrea

  1. That's a revelation to me. I never saw an Alley with so much oxblood. Wow.
  2. VTAndrea

    Coral Swirls

    Here's one I bought at a show that might make you more likely to attribute the clear green base corals to CAC. The colors look right, at least to me. It's definitely a CAC, but is it a "submarine", which is what the seller called it?
  3. My eyeballs are aching from trying to figure out where and how to edit my personal information on this (and many other) forum. I need to change my email address. Where is a link? Thanks.
  4. Here are a couple flamey CAs in the company of 2 swirls that are 7/8" each.
  5. Where's the Gray Coat? I wanna see the Gray Coat! Nice haul.
  6. I was just perusing Alan B's latest ebay offerings and noticed that he is no longer offering insurance on his marbles, saying that ebay doesn't allow sellers to charge buyers for it anymore. It's been so long since I sold anything on ebay that I'm way out of the loop on their rules. What are other sellers doing to cover their potential losses? This is ridiculous. I'd even call it the last straw except that ebay seems to manage to overcome resistance to their constant rule changes because they're the only act in town.
  7. Here is an example of a blended popeye with purple and yellow. Notice that the yellow has tunneled behind the purple to create a sort of brownish color: Here is an example of a hybrid popeye with bright primary colors: Here's a hybrid popeye with unusual colors of burgundy, thin line of yellow, baby blue and a line of regular red:
  8. How likely is this to be an actual Chrissy guinea with a green base? Supposedly they exist but these photos are baaaaaad. http://cgi.ebay.com/CHRISTENSEN-AGATE-GUINEA-MARBLE-MINT-W-GREEN-BASE_W0QQitemZ270455555786QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item3ef86846ca&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  9. They need to have 2 different colors, plus wispy white and a clear base.
  10. Ebay has also caused marble prices to drop! As more and more collectors use the internet to find things they collect, more and more sellers have emerged to offer their wares. Have you compared the price of, say, a large mint onionskin on ebay vs. what you'd pay for it from a seller at a show? There are fakes at shows too. Just adding the obvious.
  11. These first 2 may have been from a salesman's box: I'm not so sure this one is Alley, but it's pretty nice.
  12. Hi Leroy, I was sorry to read about the problems with collecting what is owed to you for your work. Public shame probably won't work on this man, judging from what others have said about him. To answer your question, I haven't seen aventurine in any CACs, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist since my collection is rather modest.
  13. Alan Basinet (long may he rest in peace ) told me they're of Chinese origin.
  14. Hard following Alan and Joeren's handmades. JVV: that 5th one on the next to bottom row always makes my heart go zing! Here are a few of mine.
  15. I was going to mention Alley. I have a large one with flamey construction that was ID'd as Alley.
  16. Wow, I should keep up with those newer marbles. Thanks for the info. Does this seller not know his ID is wrong? Seems to me I've heard of him, and maybe some controversy? Don't want to stir up anything though.
  17. I was kind of interested in this listing until I told myself I'd never heard of this kind of CA guinea. Did they really make these? http://cgi.ebay.com/OLD-ANTIQUE-VINTAGE-GL...93%3A1|294%3A50
  18. Gary, I've shown my Peltier blue bee many times, but it has an incredible, yes "blatant" amount of blue aventurine.
  19. Bob, I don't think the Leighton types (which are actually German, right?) have that cut-off mark. My guess would be MFC, but I'm sure others will weigh in.
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