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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. You and the family are in our thoughts and prayers, Windy. Edna and Weldon
  2. My Peltier rainbos are green with blue ribbons.
  3. I didn't get a PM. Was wondering if you got the marble. We were in WVa all week and I forgot to ask you when we got back. Glad you liked it. Edna
  4. We started a day early cause "Lou's the man". Happy Birthday again. Edna
  5. Really nice site! I took a quick look tonight at the pics and i intend to come back and do some reading. Thank you! Edna
  6. Hope you have a great day! Edna and Weldon
  7. Buckeye, your green and black marble that fluoresces could be CAC pistachio. Edna
  8. Those green and brown you think are Alley's could be Ravenswood. My friends that know Alley ID'ed mine as either one. It seems that Alley and Ravenswood used the same cullet and made similar marbles. I have mine in the Alley box. Edna
  9. Look vitro to me. LOL Edna And Billy is too modest.
  10. they look vitro to me too. I'd like to see the Alley experts weigh in. People who really know Alley like triker, mibcapper, and wv ron. Edna
  11. Wendy, we are holding you in our thoughts and prayers. Edna and Weldon
  12. Weldon wants me to thank all of you for the birthday wishes. He had a great day. Our son cooked his favorite meal for him, he got to watch his grandson graduate from Jedi camp at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, and spend most of the day with his immediate family.
  13. Imperial ended up with that mold. However, every Imperial cornucopia is clearly marked with the Imperial Trademark on the bottom. It's a I and a G imposed on top of the I. Both of those shown are akro agate. Edna
  14. That's the marble bo, Dani, and Ernie have. Nice akro. Edna
  15. Also Tom Reed had nothing to do with my post of the facts about the gold lutz marbles. It was you Scott. You said Thank you for the gold lutz marbles. You knew where you got them and you knew it wasn't from me. You caused the telling of what happened at the Last Dance run. That thing that I didn't want to believe, but you confirmed by taunting me with the thank you. Tom Reed had nothing to do with that. Later you bragged on Tom Reed's board that the only JABO experimentals you had were stolen. You confirmed what you're angry with me about.
  16. I'm not answering for Scott, but I believe he said he made the marbles. Scott could clarify that. I also wonder what the rules are governing the use of that vitro machine?. Edna The above is what I posted. I don't see anything negative in that post. This was my first post Scott, What upset you about my statement "I'm not answering for Scott, but I believe he said he made the marbles". Didn't you say you made them? And you're angry with me and made accusations based on that? Then I asked "I also wonder what the rules are governing the use of that vitro machine?" is there something negative with that? I do wonder what the rules are and why Wheaton didn't use it every year showing how the old marbles were made. I have no idea what the rules might be, didn' know there were any rules until you posted it. What about saying that came off negative to you? Scott, your posts turned it to negative and you are the one who brought attention to yourself.
  17. Scott, the only thing I said to you at Sistersville was what B asked me to tell you. He asked me to tell you that you could pick up your tools. You said all the rest and I replied that your problem was with B, not me and I walked away. When you brought it back to me on another board I again said You and B need to settle this between the two of you. It's not my business, nor anyone else on this board. Now you've brought it to another board. Go to B. Settle it and get it over with. As for pics of your tools in my pictures, I have no idea. B did tell me he had gathered your tools and was waiting on you to come get them. I don't know your tools from anyone else's. B never told me he didn't have your tools. Why would he asked me to tell you to come pick them up if I saw you at Sistersville if he didn't have them. If I could do this all over again, I would never bring a message to you. That's the only thing I'm sorry for. Leave me out of yours and B's problem. I am not reponsible for what either of you did or did not do. However, it does seem to me that you should get in touch with him and settle this thing instead of bringing it to me on the chat boards. I cannot settle a problem between you and B. Edna
  18. I never spoke to any one about you at Sistersville. I came to your table and relayed a message to you about your belongings. Remember, I told you he said you could come get your stuff. You went off on me. I backed away and never said a word about you to anybody. I've always wondered how you could think I ruined your reputation. This explains it, but it wasn't me. You apologized to me for your words that day. I never apologized because I have nothing to apologize for. You were the screamer and yeller. I just relayed a message. You tried on another board to drag me into it again. You got banned there for doing so. Remember, I told you I have nothing to do with this. you and B. need to settle this between you. My message is still the same. Your beef is with B. I am not and was not involved except that I heard his side of it. I do wish the two of you could settle it. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing from you about it. Edna
  19. There are some dug akros that are red, yellow, and black patches. they have avenurine in the black and bleeding over. Probably was not intentional as so many were buried. Bo Stiff has some and I believe Ernie and Dani have some. Since aventurine is metal flakes that exist in glass that is supersaturated with that particular metal, I think it's possible that any company could have made some but not on purpose. Edna
  20. has not set their status

  21. I'm not answering for Scott, but I believe he said he made the marbles. Scott could clarify that. I also wonder what the rules are governing the use of that vitro machine?. Edna
  22. People around here call them sunbursts.
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