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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Ric


    Thanks to all for the thoughts. It's a tad undersized at 19/32". I initially thought MK because of that long seam - the other seam and the that blue/green color are what threw me off that idea. I guess I'd not seen an MK like it before. If it is a MK, is it newer,? Does it have a name besides "hybrid"? Seems like it should - it's a pretty marble.
  2. Ric


    Master is the other possibility.
  3. Oh yeah, I like it even better with a little twist!
  4. You might have missed the reference Bill - The Stooges Three Hams on Rye.
  5. Okay Bill, you think on it, and when I come to visit we'll discuss it over two hams on rye. 🙃
  6. Ric


    I noticed that too . . . not sure I have one like that, but since my memory isn't what it used to be, I'd have to check pretty good before I commit. On the other hand, if Ron hasn't seen one, I probably haven't either. It does look like something I'd recall.
  7. And this is my set-up. An Ottlite with a piece of gray felt strapped to it with a rubber band (still waiting for that 15 year old gray t-short to wear out - then I'll use a piece of it instead). The box is only a temporary tripod. I don't know where my chunk of two-by-four went. Pretty fancy, huh? lol
  8. I've been using a Sony DSC-T200 since they were new (a long time ago) and I hope it never dies. It's basically a point and shoot with a zoom and a couple of macro options. It has everything you need and just enough other stuff to get great marble photos, or get yourself in trouble if you're a photo dolt like me and you mess with it too much. I'll bet you could still find one on EBay. I've bought new batteries and SD cards for it there fairly recently. 🙂
  9. or, maybe not. 😄 Glad you figured it out, because that explains why it's such a dandy looking marble! Chad, you know I'm just givin' you some business. 😁
  10. If it was in the used bar, I'd check to see where/when you last used it. At least that's supposed to be where those icons are "remembered" from. If not that, it must be a fluke of of some sort, I guess.
  11. Ric


    Just a for instance . . . I think these: which are not that easy to find, in my experience (this is about twenty years worth), are probably a retail version of these: I know @wvrons will recognize these marbles, and I'd be interested to know what you think. See how much more fun this is! 🙂
  12. Ric


    Personally, I'd trade the CAC for the Vitro, in a heartbeat.
  13. I could see Akro, sort of looks like an ear pinched up in a fold - or is that a seam? it's a nice one, no matter who made it. My vote, Akro, or maybe CAC or . . ? Yeah, I'm a lot help.
  14. Ric

    grey glass

    But I can guarantee its' better than my chance of finding a decent trout stream in Indiana!
  15. I'm all in with Akro on the first, but that second one gives me a bit of a weird MK vibe too . . very long seams, two green ribbons, a mustache-looking white patch on one pole and weird-colored patch that went crazy on the other? or Akro? I don't think I'm seeing it but. . .?
  16. 15 years, Bill . . . I've offered you everything but the moon for that rack. . . maybe an Alley with so much AV it'll make you choke up would sweeten the pot?
  17. Ric


    You're a good man, Chad. And those are dandy displays you put together! I can guarantee I have many of the retail version of those mibs around here, and one day, I'm going to start matching them up - these pics will come in real handy then!
  18. Ric


    For a lot of the science, $$$ really isn't the objective, knowledge is. Many times, $$$ and control is what drives the application of the knowledge gained through science, although things like improved health, better food, a cleaner environment, etc. are more ecumenical benefits of such work. Wondering is a very important thing, Steph, you know that. It's how you keep learning! Fact is though, this stuff is a little too much like work for me. I'd much rather talk marbles!
  19. Ric


    This sort of stuff is just like any other technology, guns included. It's entirely dependent on who's deploying it and what they're doing with it.
  20. Ric


    You've got a lot right here, Chad. And I didn't mean anything negative toward you or anyone else with my comments, just trying to inject a little reality into he thread. As I said, these sorts of experiments can be very interesting and even enlightening and valuable from a scientific perspective, but when you really understand whats happening and how it works, you realize it's nothing to be taken lightly. And as you said, science always develops way more rapidly than any real ethical discussion about it, and way faster than the general population begins to understand it.
  21. Ric


    Okay, the flying cat thing is pretty funny, mostly because it's not real. But make no mistake, the vast majority of these hybrids are not "bred" - no, a Begal Tiger and a short-haired tabby did not breed. Eggs or sperm were harvested from each, in-vitro fertilization was done and the embryos developed in a petri dish, the few chimeras that developed from many attempts were implanted into a surrogate mother, very few of those actually implanted into the uterus, and the vast majority of any fetuses that began to develop died before or shortly after they were born. It is likely a fair number of Mothers also died in the process. Honestly, it's interesting from a scientific perspective but I don't find it all that entertaining.
  22. Now you're just being mean, Bill.
  23. Nice, Bill. The Heatons are cool - I like the hats. And what's better than a gumball machine full of mint Bananas!
  24. If the base on the first is transparent, I'd say Vitro for sure. A look at the other seam might help make a positive ID easier too. As for the wild second one, I shouldn't even guess without seeing the other seam, so I won't. 🙂
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