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Everything posted by Ric

  1. It's a good point, Steph. I'll have to see if I can figure out when they started running big ones - maybe @Nantucketdink knows. I only started with 1992 because I didn't recognize any of the marbles as being from the few runs in 1991. 🙂
  2. There are some nice colorful patches in the group, and the slags are pretty nice too!
  3. I think the very first is a Vitro and the others are Marble Kings. The last two are MK tricolor patch and ribbons. And yes, that first one might have been found in "Yellow Jacket" packaging but is indistinguishable from a later All Red so most people would not sort it with Yellow Jackets, which typically have three colors on a white base.
  4. I think they are probably Alleys. The second in your newest pic looks like a very nice marble - does it react to UV?
  5. It definitely happens, although it's less common with WVSs. And FWIW, I think your marble is a Cairo.
  6. I have no idea. It's a weirdo, for sure - maybe oogly enough to be Kokomo?
  7. They sure look like Veiligglas to me, Art. In fact, I have some similar bags. I wonder if some NOS was packaged at a later date or maybe this was just packaged late in Veiligglas's history? And I'm always happy to help, even if entirely unintentionally!
  8. @Dave 13 Nice slag, Dave! @akroorka Nice marbles, Art - they both look to be in good condition for big ones!
  9. It's kind of hard to tell from these images but I think it might be a Peltier.
  10. Veiligglas marbles are from Amsterdam. Here is a thread you may find interesting. Unfortunately, the author, Winnie (may she rest in peace), is no longer with us.
  11. That is pretty wild, does it react to UV light?
  12. It doesn't really look new to me. Can you tell what color the base glass is? Does light shine through it?
  13. Ric


    It might be Vitro but I am not convinced. Besides not having a polar patch, Whities would usually have only a single color at the equator. The long seams make me think it might be an uncommon two-color MK P&R. There sure were way more 9/16" MKs made than Vitros.
  14. I think you're onto something, and I'm changing my thinking to Vitro.
  15. It almost looks like it could be a weird Akro but I think it's an Alley.
  16. I think it's a Peltier Rainbo.
  17. Ric

    2 for ID

    I think the left one may be foreign. The right one is a Vitro Blackie.
  18. Thanks for telling the story, Joep - it's really interesting! I think most here would recognize those cardboard discs he made as "Pogs". They were pretty big in the early 1990s.
  19. Has anyone ever seen the booklet being offered in this 1969 advertisement?
  20. Interesting, I assume there are other animals? Do you know anything about who made or marketed it?
  21. I agree with vintage, and most likely Akro.
  22. I should add that while the type of marble you show is fairly common, the size of your marble makes it less so.
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