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Everything posted by zaboo

  1. single seam CAC...oxblood, green and cream w/ clear.. (not everyone will think it's jabo... a few people have seen this marble in hand.) well i guess I'll list something else then, and back into the collection it goes. thx Al.
  2. silly you. (yeah we drooled on it a little too)
  3. soooo. what y'all think about this one? and it taint a jabo! LOL!
  4. it's the real deal. We have one from those digs that is a deep, almost black purple with the blue, and I wouldn't take less than 500. for it. We have bought from leo, he an honest dealer and knows his akro's. that is a super early hand gathered akro. and there was very very few of that color combo found... like only a handful. It may have turned into a bidding frenzy, but still a rare, and sought after akro.
  5. hey scott... I'll fix ya a special Birthday dinner when ya come. just let me know what you'd like!
  6. Hey scott, BEST BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES! (scott, ILOVE MARBLES, kinda kept the old B-day under wraps... and I am a major space cadet! HA!) We love ya scott, can't wait to see ya before christmas! D&E
  7. and not all had the bird head either.... but having collected akro for well over 20 years, I have to ask what is a tadpole?? never heard of it, and who came up with the name? can you post a picture of it please Gene?
  8. ahhh, wonderful story! we're BIG time animal lovers here. and Ditto... keep up the GREAT WORK!!
  9. I emailed ebay a year ago and asked them the legallity of saying i can only accept payment thru paypal, which they own. funny they never responded? LOL. although my ads say paypal only, anyone that has asked will find I will take checks, M.O's and banking bill pay. oh yeah and cash is always good. I hear your frustration Sue... heck go back to disputes and bad ebayers from a year ago in this forum... you can see what kinda crap I had to put up with too. I chalk it up to, there's jerks out there everywhere, and sometimes you just have to 'deal' with them. yeah Ebay doesn't care. they make all their money off the sellers, and let the buyers rule the site. their idol must be ebenezer scrooge.
  10. WOW that's some 'wish list' item there mike! lol... so far it looks like the handmades are winning!
  12. Every year we list a 'christmas marble' on ebay. C.T. recently asked us when we would be listing the christmas marble for this year. So here we are, trying to decide just what that will be! so, we ask, should it be a machine made or a handmade this year gang? what would you like to see offered? (this is always a marble that hubby picks out of our personal collection.)
  13. back atcha Duffy! hope it was great!
  14. this one is 5/8" and we've had long before any jabo runs.lol
  15. yes my love, 29 forever... thanks...
  16. happy birthday baby, 29 is it? love Ernie
  17. oh yeah Leroy ROCKS! and so does that lutz!!
  18. that is very cool! there's a beach near anacortes, where they used to dump marbles way out in the water, and they still occasionally wash ashore. We found an old five and dime there years back that had old stock bags. we bought them all, most are gone by now, but I sure wish they would have had a tub like that too. that's a kick! thanks for sharing!
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