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Everything posted by I'llhavethat1

  1. Been a while for a score and actually these were gifted to my son from a distant relative the zip lock contained a 8-10 of these Pelts among foreign cats eyes and figure 8s.
  2. Fritz Lauenstein 2002. One of my first contemporary marbles, I don't have too many
  3. I agree with wonky Akro patch w/ oxblood. From what I recall, the term 'blue oxblood' was a cork that looked black and white but on closer inspection, the cork portion was a dark blue overlaid with oxblood on a white base.
  4. More pics of the green/black marbles please. I'm with Akro sparkler based on the pics Where's Hendrix?
  5. That's awesome! My wife would probably have something to say about it but what a HUGE collection. Watch out with those big glass jugs, sometimes they spontaneously bust. Some of the handmades look original, but there are some contemporary and (possibly polished) ones mixed in. What strikes me as interesting, is that 26 years ago, some marbles might have been considered common enough to just throw in a jug or jar. Nowadays there could be high demand for those 'exiled' marbles. Have fun, and if your Grandfather had that much passion for the hobby I'm sure he'd appreciate you enjoying them as well
  6. From the original pics my first thought on the blue one was veliliglass wirepull. But with better pics, and if the spirals are independent, I'd agree with Akro DI. Can't say I've seen one like it.
  7. That seems like a good description, but some might point out translucent as a better word. Unusual to see one, let alone two. I think I heard somewhere that green is not as common on single color clambroths as red, blue, purple, etc. If it's in good shape keep it safe. The glass used on these marbles for whatever reason seems to chip and flake easily
  8. Never met the man, but always enjoyed and respected his direct viewpoints. Sad news. My condolences to friends and family
  9. You could save yourself the trouble and send them to me for safekeeping? lol. Condition looks a bit rough in the pics, but I agree some nice examples.
  10. I'd put it with my maybe pelts. Similar one in my collection has aventurine in the blue.
  11. I'd like to see some better pics before being so sure. A couple of those bands could be. And they did make marbles with 'oxblood'
  12. The yellow 'string' is a bit unusual but that kind of stuff happened when they were getting cranked out.
  13. yep on the brick, and it looks like you got some other decent marbles in there...the aqua in middle and the purple to it's right would be worth a closer look
  14. Possibility of Pelt, just a messed up pattern. The way the pattern seems to dive in makes me wonder how much transparency there is to the red
  15. No worries, I've heard of such marbles. Some interesting thoughts in your linked threads, thanks for posting those. This is the closest I've come in terms of colors (obviously not handgathered or MFC)
  16. I'm stumped. Looks like two enirely different marbles in color, construction, you name it.
  17. From the OP pics doesn't really look like oxblood, maybe more of a dark maroon?
  18. I'd like to hear a bit more about the England aspect of production
  19. The cutlines, pattern (Pelt did make butcracks too), the blowouts. The colors being SO washed out though is my Pelt hang up. Maybe it is Jabo? I haven't seen them all, maybe someone will recognize it
  20. varry inteeresting. That's what the boards help me out with, seeing/learning different perspectives that wouldn't have even come into consideration before
  21. Nice Rainbo. Some people would go nuts for that
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