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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Wow ... some stunning stone there. The plain off-white lake Michigan fossil is what I find a lot of on beach walks. I've saved a few. One day I'd like a big crystal -- say six inches tall -- for display in the living room.
  2. I think you could be onto something now. MK's with that purple shade come don't seem to care much about where those ribbons are placed at the seams. So then add a little twist where the marble got snagged at some point in the process ... and yeah. I think MK is the leading contender.
  3. Pretty good feeling about Master on the bottom. Weird on the top one. A medium-length flattish seam, with a purple ribbon on both sides of the seam. Looks like you're basically showing the same seam in each photo, rotated a little but still with that one seam in view. What does the other end of the marble look like?
  4. I'm playing catch-up on marble threads. This one gave me two thoughts, both in the cat's eye category. Wild modern Marble King cat's eye. Or European cat's eye. So, I really don't know, and Ric could be on point with Akro. But those are the thoughts which occurred to me due to the shade and the shape of the green, plus the odd white.
  5. Woot! Woot! Earth 2.0 doing us vintage people proud!
  6. Well, Kokomo got the machines from Peltier, and then made marbles resembling Peltier Rainbos. That was my standard "playing it safe" reply for marbles which look like Peltier Rainbos but something a little off. Now I have to think of a new one. William, thanks for the extra seam shots. Ron said Pelt over on that other thread, so I'll say the needle tips more strongly toward Pelt here too. Happy Easter to you too!
  7. Fun find! I wonder if they there would be different games from what kids play or played here ... and if they are historically based games or new inventions by school teachers or whatnot.
  8. 1. This goes with the two in your other thread that I can be sure were made on a Peltier Rainbo machine, but I'm not sure which state the machine was in. Illinois or Indiana. It's a Peltier or a Kokomo. 2. I think Jabo here. 3. At 3/4", with that pattern, I'll say Alley.
  9. I can't tell if the top is old or new. I could see it going either way. The bottom two were made on Peltier Rainbo machines, but they look non-typical enough to me to make me wonder if those Peltier machines might have happened to be at the Kokomo factory. When in doubt choose Peltier over Kokomo ... but I would like to see more straight on seam shots of those two.
  10. I heard back from Paula. It wasn't Novas. It was Cosmic Rainbows that she wrote and article about.
  11. Be careful about white-based marbles which look like WV swirls which come in groups where all the rest are Vacor. Check out these Old Fashions. DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  12. Royal on the left. Moss Agate on the right.
  13. #1. Peltier Rainbo. And I'll say Pelt Rainbo on #2 also though the unusual pattern leaves me room for doubt.
  14. I'm thinking "beautiful lavender slag with lots of white".
  15. Steph


    Cool! I have a piece of aventurine carved into a cat. I also have new shelves to put together for my marbles in the attic, so that I will be able to find them and not say "I have this but can't get to it right now". I think I'll go right now and get started on putting those shelves together.
  16. I don't recognize #1. Strong Akro on #3.
  17. The heart is sweet to say the least!
  18. Hmmm ... I'm keeping CAC in consideration. What does it look like inside? Is the purple transparent? Have you backlit it?
  19. Are those geodes you found? That would be so exciting to find a geode ... exciting to able to recognize a rock that you thought could be a geode! I live half a mile from Lake Michigan ... I'm can find some nice smooth rocks at the shore but nothing exciting so far. Are the animals Mexican Onyx? I've seen things like that in border towns. ds Baja California onyx has a chapter in marble history -- the California Onyx company used it for marbles, gear shift knobs, radiator knobs, and more.
  20. Oh good. But I still think there might be another one floating around. I need to ask Paula if I'm remembering correctly that she wrote an updated one. Maybe it was a different topic. To Be Continued ....
  21. For an example, even though Joemarbles is down, I knew how to get to a copy of David's article that Joe had. I just gave that its own thread. David Chamberlain's "Root Beer Floats, Novas, and Pink Champagnes"
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