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Everything posted by Steph

  1. This one could be a Vacor OId Fashion. DETAILED INFORMATION (billes-en-tete.com)
  2. Steph


    If any are translucent ... like say if the one on the left here is translucent, then that could mean a less common vintage marble. There's a translucent Akro known as a Flintie. And there's a translucent Master known as a Cloudy. But in general, it's really hard to do much with solid color marbles. So many people made them over the decades and still today. And it's tricky to confirm the IDs of flinties and cloudys in photos.
  3. Many people have gotten wound up over names, for sure. When I started collecting, the "elders" that I encountered were much more conservative about naming. They had participated in the naming of a few marbles, such as the Vitro Superior, but they weren't in a hurry to name many more. Also, frustration was occasionally expressed at how some marble name they had chosen had grown to cover a lot of other marbles that they didn't mean to have covered. In the past ten years though, the naming of marbles has certainly gained popularity, so I've had a lot of time to come around to it. I'm okay with it now. I think it probably helps over all -- helps make marbles more identifiable, more likely to stick in the brain. It's not sticking in MY brain very well, but maybe one day.
  4. Steph

    4 vacor

    Size? Definitely Vacor on the top two. A Red Panda and a Serpent. The third could possibly be a Vacor Old Fashion, but it's not a certainty. If you found it with a bunch of other Vacors, then yes, probably. If you found it with some vintage marbles, then maybe it's an Alley. The fourth I don't recognize. Vacor seems like a possibility but I don't recognize what style it could be.
  5. Beautiful marble. I don't think Marble King. The three things I'm considering are Vitro, Akro and non-American.
  6. Steph

    Sorted out ?

    I have confused you over seams. I made you think that tight connections at seams meant Marble King. On that particular marble that we were talking about the colors made me think Marble King, but the gap made me think the marble might be non-American. In this group I'm still not able to tell any of them apart -- still think most of them have potential to be Vitro or Akro or Marble King and I can't tell. But I will say that the pattern on the red and white marble on the left here is very Akro. The blue and white marble on the right in the next picture also has the Akro pattern.
  7. I'm going to break this one off into its own thread because I think it's so different, I'd like to highlight it.
  8. Steph

    Few more

    I agree on it maybe being a flintie. I was sort of holding back because I didn't have a good feel for the structure. Maybe Champion on the first marble?
  9. Steph

    Few more

    Some kind of game marble on the red.
  10. Steph

    Few more

    Considered Akro cork. But I'm leaning handgathered slag.
  11. Steph

    Few more

    Marble King Bumblebee
  12. Perhaps these pictures show what I mean about my known Marble Kings not having the gap I'm seeing on your marble. Some Marble Kings that I specially took seam photos of: Here's the opposite side. I do see a couple of very slender gaps: Compare those seams to the seam in the photo below. The colors below are ones you could see in a Marble King, and the seam is long and fairly flat like you often see in Marble Kings. But the ends of the ribbons on your are more feathery and they are more separated from each other than what you see in my photos.
  13. Steph

    Twins ?

    I'd so not very common with such a distinctive pair.
  14. Actually the gap is what's making me think NOT Marble King. The colors look Marble King but the gap doesn't. I pulled out my Marble Kings to make sure, and the colors go right up to the seams. The gaps make me think "maybe European".
  15. 1. First choice Heaton. Second Cairo Novelty. Third Alley 2. ? 3. Peltier Sunset 4. Vitro Helmet
  16. Yes, to answer your question, this one does look old.
  17. This marble that you posted in another thread has colors and pattern very much in keeping with Marble King but the gap in this view added to my curiosity about it being European. I need to pull out my Marble Kings and see if they have gaps like that which I'm just not remembering.
  18. That gap that we're seeing in this view makes me think of European slag-type marbles. So my question is whether after the slag types (which we often call their "striped transparents), did the European companies move to marbles which bore resemblance to Marble King constuction?
  19. Steph

    Twins ?

    Twins for sure. Leaning Akro but don't feel confident.
  20. Steph

    I give up :)

    Maybe some of both Akro and Vitro and maybe a little Marble King. Sometimes I can nail them if I go with my first impressions. But if I start to think about them much they begin to blur together for me. I'm in the blurred zone right now. Some types were so similar between the companies that probably a lot of people have them sorted wrong. I have a generic patches group for the ones I'm not sure about.
  21. Steph

    UV marbles

    UV fluorescence doesn't mean old and doesn't point to any one maker. Uranium glass has been made at least since the 1800's, through the 2000's. Non-uranium glass can also glow under UV light -- that would include the orange glows which could come from manganese. The greens have some different seam shapes mixed in. Most would probably be modern Asian, but maybe not all. The bottom right one looks a bit different. The marble above that one is a darker shade so it could be different. The bottom middle could use another look.
  22. Steph

    3 for ID

    #1 is a beauty. I think vintage. But who? My first thought is Akro. 2. Vitro 3. That pattern is very close to a Marble King Tricolor Rainbow, but with a bit of a foreign look to it. Maybe Asian. Or German. Or actually Marble King. ?? If Asian, I would guess it would be a little older -- maybe on the borderline between modern and vintage. You have some interesting marbles.
  23. Steph

    Anothes Guess

    1. That gray is unusual. The marble looks sort of Akro, but not with the gray, unless gray was a color that showed up in Akro's exports to Europe, which could very well be. Vitro is another good choice, though again I don't recognize the color for Vitro. But again, I recognize that this marble is in Europe, which could shake things up as far as ID's go. 2. Akro or Vitro. The LONG seams point away from Asia. 3. Maybe Marble King. (All-Reds have one red patch but a different color on the other end.)
  24. Steph


    1. Does look Asian, but maybe a bit older than usual. 2. Yeah, probably Vitro. 3. I'm leaning Akro on this one.
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