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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The glass looks old to me. I'm hoping for Pelt Rainbo. I hope you find a fourth ribbon.
  2. It's cool, isn't it. I do not know who has it. The photo came from an ebay auction.
  3. Steph


    Since #2 does not have the typical Pelt flip-flop but does have a Rainbo-like look, this is where I might start to wonder about Kokomo.
  4. I'll say yes to "transparent swirl," not slag. But that's as far as I can go.
  5. Marble King on top. Girl Scout. Pelt on bottom.
  6. #2 is a Peltier Rainbo
  7. Not sure about whether it's a double ingot or not. As to age, the textures and the two colors of ribbons are making me think newer. But I wasn't able to recognize a possible style name when I looked at the billes-in-tete site, so I don't know.
  8. Hmmm ... more views might help. I'm having trouble making out the structure. This might be a double ingot. Do you know what that is? It's where the glass for two marbles got fused together to make one big one.
  9. #1 Japanese transitional #2 European Striped Transparent #3 Maybe Japanese transitional, but I'm wondering if it might be a Christensen American Agate #4 ???
  10. Steph

    No idea

  11. Ricardo Mendoza over on facebook reminded me of a category that we haven't talked much about. His childhood collection of Vacors (from 60's and 70's) has a whole lot of very colorful Sunbursty looking marbles in transparent matrix.
  12. We may have to wait a few more weeks to see what it is. I think it's still growing.
  13. With the look of that pontil, I think it's purely handmade. Not transitional.
  14. Steph

    American ?

    It looks like an American slag.
  15. LOL ... no worries ... it happens. That's why I recognized it.
  16. My first thought was Master, which makes all the Akro and Vitro talk very intriguing to me!
  17. I'm wondering if some of the egg shapes we are seeing in the picture are a camera illusion. I would get egg shapes on the edges of pictures when using the macro lens on my last camera. You have them in hand and you say some are out of round ... but I'm wondering if maybe not as much as they look in the pictures. Just a thought.
  18. Thanks! I wasn't at all sure when Jabo started making larger marbles. All I knew was it was sometime in the 1990's.
  19. Shane, if possible, I'd encourage you to take Ron (wvrons) up on that offer. He's the best!
  20. Ron, what year did Jabo start making 1 inchers? Almost but not quite a 30 years ago? If this is older than that, does the size make it an Alley?
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