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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I could learn to like Alleys.
  2. Well, this is one which IS old. It's handgathered. It took me looking at it under blacklight before I recognized the 9. It was thought to be a Peltier Canary.
  3. Just off the top of your head
  4. What are your favorite marble misnomers? Was thinking today about how for quite some time I thought wirepulls were actually formed by dragging a wire around through the molten glass.
  5. Post your glowers! Here are some modern Marble Kings I decided to light up this afternoon for no particular reason.
  6. This one I'm having trouble pinning down. Possibly another Vitro. Second choice Master. I'm not getting a handle on the seam structure yet.
  7. ^^ that marble is a 1930's Vitro Tri-Lite
  8. Have you tried loading images straight to a thread? The way I add one of your pictures to the thread like below is by going to the photo and then copying the address from the address bar. I paste the address and get this:
  9. If I already have my cat's eye book am I still allowed to watch?
  10. Thank you. Mike's note with the sphere said "Oolitic Chert (Petrified fish eggs)".
  11. Don't know. We saw a bubbly Akro recently. Pelts are often bubbly. Could be other things too.
  12. It does look Vacor. Maybe Octopus https://www.billes-en-tete.com/detail.php?id=39
  13. I remember a contemp site which started trying to put together such a registry. But that site doesn't exist anymore. The group moved to Facebook. Whatever they had achieved in the signature area didn't transfer and many new makers have started work since then. So I wait with you to hear if anyone else knows of such a registry.
  14. I have a feeling you would like Chris Barke's work. https://www.facebook.com/groups/208859796592247/
  15. I've been stimulating the economy by buying some items from a couple of my favorite online sellers. I have two more specially chosen rocks on the way from my mineral guy but I can't wait for them. Have to post now. Mostly I want to show off my new stoneware pieces from Panthertown. Marbles and a pendant. (Along with one my earlier Panthertown favorites.) I go to the dish every now and then and lift the lid and just smile. ❤️ P.s., the carnelian bullseye agate is an older piece from my marble collection, and the polkadotty sphere is fossilized fish eggs newly arrived from @mmuehlba I think I'm pretty close to considering the bowl perfect. *delighted squeal* ❤️❤️❤️
  16. Bump! Anyone else interested? Or dabbling on the corner of maybe being interested?
  17. I can't clearly make out the colors on the handmade but I believe there are too many for it to be a gooseberry and too few for it to be a Joseph's Coat. Also I think the base of a gooseberry should be a yellow shade. Also, I think there are probable other pattern differences that a Joseph's Coat might have. Possibly I should know the name it actually is but I have a blindspot on handmade names. @I'llhavethat1 ... what do you think?
  18. The pink-champagne-based corkscrew is an Akro. And it's luscious. Not gooseberry or Joseph's Coat on the German handmade.
  19. Elizabeth Kempski has a newly published book called The World of Cat's Eye Marbles. Cost is $19.95 plus shipping. If you'd like to get one sooner rather than later, she has posted information in the cat's eye group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/880443685378420/ For those who don't use Facebook, they will be going on sale on eBay in two weeks. Seller name: pinx43 Elizabeth's statement about the book: The book measures 8 1/2 by 11” and is 80 pages in length with over 150 photos. I did quite a bit of research on foreign marbles that I think will be of interest to even non-cat’s eye collectors, including an interview with the chairman of Matsuno Industries, the makers of the Camel brand Japanese marbles. For the U.S. companies, Mike Johnson, a co-author of American Machine-Made Marbles, generously shared source material on cat’s eyes that did not make it into their book. For newbies who want help with identification, I developed a chart of characteristics for each of the most common types of cat’s eyes that will serve as a quick reference. For hard core history buffs, there is also an Appendix with a timeline of Asian production from the 1940s through the 1980s. This is based on my research plus my experience in the 1980s working for a U.S. company importing sporting goods from Asia, including visits to factories there. In short, I think the book has something for every level of collector.
  20. Is there a story with the score?
  21. I'll put this in the main forum to see if we can get more contemp guru eyes on it.
  22. Well, the pictures are back for the most part. Thread format is an even worse hodgepodge than it was before with some pictures at Imgur and most still at Photobucket. But we have pictures. Photobucket finally wore me down and I decided I'll pay their monthly fee for now. That gave me room to return the Akro pictures I had removed. And fortunately they didn't automatically randomize the picture names when they reloaded them. So yay!
  23. Though I'm a long timer, my collection is modest. So my contribution might also be modest, but I'll try to make it interesting!
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