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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The hailing from Akron got me. They were only in Akron until 1914. Then moved to Clarksburg, WV. That's where they started making marbles. I enjoyed it overall. I disagreed with some of your dates, but I know that at least one prominent collector disputes me on Akro dates. At 10:45, you feature a Peltier in the Silver Oxblood section. There were some places where I thought, "uh oh, someone would quibble over those names," but quibbling over Akro is like an Olympic sport for mibologists. Can't be avoided. Even if you were MarbleAlan himself you could expect someone to quibble with you about Akro history and names. He was a good sport about that! I liked the Moss Agate comparison at the end. Oh, and the oxblood close-ups could be very helpful. I'm going to need to remember this when someone is struggling with recognizing oxblood.
  2. This is going to be slow-going, but I made a start today. Replaced the photos in post #2. Hopefully the rest will go faster now that I've gotten started. Thank you for the encouragement. Right now I'm putting the pictures straight into the posts without trying to do thumbnails. That could be hard to navigate, but for now that's how I'm leaving it.
  3. Keep the group together. Fantasy packaging isn't highly valuable but it is still of interest. More valuable together than mixed in with the rest of your marbles. ... unless looking at it just ticks you off! I would understand that reaction too.
  4. They could all be vintage. The mostly red cat's eye is a Vitro hybrid -- circa the 1960s. The big six-vane cat's eye is Asian. Probably not technically vintage but could be from 70's or 80's. The last marble could be an Alley Agate from the 1940's. The white one up top -- hard to say. Could be in the running for Akro Moonie, but I don't see enough of it yet. What does it look like with a strong light shining through it from behind? Not sure if the green and white is trying to be a simple swirl or a complicated patch. The big mulit-color swirly patch is a Vitro Parrot. It is a very popular marble style. Yours has condition issues. But with that wild pattern it's probably still a keeper. At least a place saver until you find cleaner examples.
  5. Probably Vitro. Not the main view I'd want to see to be sure, but yeah, probably.
  6. Are the single pictures big ones? Yeah, most if not all Jabo.
  7. Not by itself. UV glass can be old, new or in between. But together with other clues, it can matter.
  8. I don't want to be too much of a pain. The bulletin board resizes your larger pictures, you may have noticed. So if you have a lot of non-marble space around the edges, it can make the actual marbles pretty small. So, for future reference, trimming off the edges could be helpful. Or just moving in on the marbles until more of the viewscreen is filled with marbles to begin with. Okay ... so what do we have here? I think 2nd the left on the bottom row is one of your Akros. The one above it looks similar in coloring, but might be a West Virginia swirl. (I'm leaning strongly to WV swirl on that upper one.) The green one on the top row, second from the left, could possibly be a folded up Akro. Or maybe a Vitro. Or maybe a WV swirl but with a very simplistic pattern. The bottom right is similar. My first thought is WV swirl, but I suppose it's possible it could be an odd patch. WV swirls for the rest.
  9. Too big of a group, too small of views for the marble. And hard to identify which ones we're talking about. That said, the second row on the left appears to be a Peltier Rainbo. So does the marble on the right of the top row. I see at least one of the ones you're thinking could be an Akro Cherry Ade. I agree that at least one of them is Akro -- Row 4. I know that style as Moss Agate. I think it might have more than one possibly collector's name. Maybe some kind of Ade. One person I know might call it a Tomato Ace. I stick with Moss Agate, but I'm in the minority. Not seeing enough to make out anything useful about the green one.
  10. Akro on the green and red patches Do start a new thread which each new group. That will make it easier to get feedback ... and to keep track of the feedback.
  11. Cool box. The marbles are Jabo Classics.
  12. I guess Master on #8. No guesses on the swirls ... other than the general 'maybe Champion" or "maybe Alley" which means nothing.
  13. I can't swear it's not CAC. The colors also kinda say Akro, but I don't see signs that this was meant to be a cork.
  14. I think you have a Czech bullet-mold marble there.
  15. Hi. Not green hornets. Looks like modern Marble Kings.
  16. This is what the search engine pulled up about sonic cleaners: Oddly enough I was one who posted about sonic cleaners ... but I was collating advice from others.
  17. I thought about Ravenswood on #5, because I know they did white and blue in clear. But the examples I remembered had been brighter and crisper so I dug out my other sets and the Jackson looked quite close.
  18. It is a beauty, in spite of the dings. Pretty glass there. I don't know maker. I'll move it to the main forum for the marble cleaning discussion.
  19. Steph

    3 miles!

    I'm bragging about this everywhere! To hubby who is still trying to sleep, in email to my brother, on facebook, here, .... I ran three miles! For the first time! My previous best distance was 1.6 miles. Not very fast ... but it turns out from looking at a 5K run website, I'm right in the middle of the pack for the average time a woman of my age would run that distance. So now I have a "personal best" to compete against and I'm so proud of me!
  20. #6 Alley The bright white on #1 makes me wonder about CAC or Ravenswood ... or slag. The larger size on #12 would point me toward Alley, but it's not _too_ large to be a different maker.
  21. Alley on #2. And I have a gut feeling about Alley on #11. I think Pelt on #12. That's a "rainbo" pattern. Maybe Master on #10. Looking through my dug sets, the closest I see to #5 is Jackson. No answer from me on the rest, other than the generic "WV swirl" category. But if I were going to guess the next one I'd take a shot at would be #4 because of the yellow and I'd go Alley. But I'm not guessing. My brain is full.
  22. Found mine. Modern MK, complete with aventurine.
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