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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    At a loss.

    Whities are veneered marbles and that transparent ribbon seems to run awfully deep. I can't swear a whitie can't have a transparent ribbon ... but that's what ruled it out for me.
  2. The swirl isn't distinct, but I guess it _could_ be an Alley. What size is it? That's all I got .... hopefully someone else will feel more confident. Oh, how opaque or clear is the blue?
  3. Pix from original packaging have been posted before ... there are some in these two threads. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/11352-kokomo-examples/ http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19506-original-kokomo-packaging/ Some pictures are missing and some links are messed up, thanks to Photobucket's unhappy changes. We need a new comprehensive Kokomo thread. But maybe this will give you something to go on for now.
  4. The larger image is something to behold. I can email it if you are interested.
  5. ^^ I added a small version of the photo Scott sent me. A larger version is available. My picture host just wasn't working as I expected it to.
  6. Lotsa ox! My only guess is the New Decade run from 2010.
  7. Oh gosh, thank you. You know I feel the same. Merry Christmas to all!
  8. ooooh ... mystery patches .... good challenge! Happy Christmas.
  9. so much variety .... which is different! Come to think of it, I can't remember us talking about that before. All the companies have variety ... but most also had standard runs which take up the bulk of what we find from those companies. The bulk of Masters are in a general sunburst style but are all over the place with nearly random colors. How'd they do that?
  10. This year we got our first Christmas tree since about 1984. Next year a Pelt Christmas Tree!
  11. I have a general impression of seeing different Vitros in European bags than in American ... not sure how accurate the impression or why there would be differences.
  12. They have a Tiger Eye pattern. A later Tiger Eye from the 1960's. But if they're even later than that, then they might not have a name. I started calling them "all-reds with no red" ... before I learned that it was a Tiger Eye variation.
  13. Must. Have. Glass. I'd probably have it on my table right now if I had found it. How big is big?
  14. Wow, that first one is an eye full.
  15. Steph

    At a loss.

    I'm not sure what to make of it either. Not a transitional. With the clear red ribbon, I'm not seeing Vitro. So the 2nd choice could be Pelt. But it doesn't seem very pelty to me either. I guess it could be a Japanese marble in the pelt style. But with its two seams and the equatorial ribbon, it's not a transitional. This one is strictly machine-made. The transitionals are handgathered -- look for the 9 and tail on one end of a transitional.
  16. Vitro, yes. I think it's a blackline All-Red. But an unusual one since it is white on the end where we expect a color patch. I don't know what to say about the yellow-ish area. I'm going with "blackline All-Red".
  17. I will try to remember that! I'm not sure why I was reluctant. Nobody listen to me!
  18. That's an oh-so-beautiful puzzle piece maybe falling into place, but still some missing pieces around it. Since Milky Oxbloods are so different from Silver, I didn't have a good idea of what they might be called or when they might have been made/sold. I have seen silver in original packaging, but only had a "maybe" (that I can recall) on milky. Now ... do we have ads showing Hy-Grade .... trying to recall .... "One of these days" I need to make a big poster on my wall to help me keep all this stuff in place. I have a better than average memory much of the time, but lately it needs some help.
  19. With the bright white and the way the ribbon dips into the marble, I could see this last one being Ravenswood. But I wouldn't be surprised if one of our Alley guys came in and said it was Alley. I'd say it was one or the other.
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