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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi. Nice to see you. Happy New Year. Catch you on the flip side.
  2. Is there a German word for feeling bad about having schadenfreude?
  3. Well hi there. Long time. I hope you're feeling well.
  4. Nice colors ... almost looks like a blacklight photo.
  5. Merry Christmas to everyone. Thank you, Craig, I'm breathing easier. Still broken but much better. We're STILL moving and still feels like a lot to go. All I want for Christmas is to sleep in!
  6. Steph

    Vintage TV

    Yes! I did not remember Flash went back that far. We do have some black and white serials on DVD.
  7. I don't have my speakers hooked up yet! Must remember to check back.
  8. The DAS Christmas marbles are _very_ Christmassy ... green and red and gold ... but no pictures ... the move is really really REALLY real now. We're taking the cats over to the new place tonight. So I have to figure out how to use the camera and upload pictures on the new computer. Maybe someone else can post some pictures. They are really sweet.
  9. I love how you slide in and out of self-awareness, Matt.
  10. If I had access to Alox packaging, I would take patch pictures. (Same as with Kokomo -- if I had access to the packaging, I would take some pix of the nontypicals.)
  11. Another extra for our Alox collections, by the eclectic founder of the Alox company. Published in 1963. Nancy sent me this in 2008.
  12. Two of the people leading the run were friends and they wanted me to get to have some of the fun. I wasn't there -- my portion was shipped to me. And I do feel lucky when I look at them again.
  13. I think those are from a run I was listed as a partner on -- the Tribute to Friendship run. March 6, 2009 I spent most of this past autumn sorting those again, so they are very familiar to me,
  14. The move is still ongoing. And today I got x-ray confirmation that I did indeed break a rib when I fell in the snow last Sunday! We got more snow this Sunday and we'll get more snow on Friday, when we have the U-Haul lined up. (We postponed the U-Haul from Wednesday because the temps will be too darn low.) So you can imagine how much fun I'm having!
  15. Found some WWII ration books in my attic today.
  16. I see why you think double ingot. Seems a strong likelihood. Do you trace that crease all around the marble? With oxblood like that I'd guess either dug Akro or Jabo. Not sure I recognize an amber base with oxblood, from either maker. That's some nice thick oxblood.
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