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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Gold! Is that a stand? Or a decoration you added post photo? I've decided it's legs and arms.
  2. Since they're time-sensitive, we put them over in the top forum. You can start them either spot. If you start it in buy-sell-trade, I'll move it to the main forum, leaving a link in the b-s-t forum. Also, feel free to bump your sale threads in the day(s) before the auctions end.
  3. Happy anniversary. It was 26 for us three days ago. Mr. Cohen is wonderful.
  4. Wow. Congratulations. The move is on hold. Stymied at the bank. We'll keep trying. That's sweet news for you. Big move. Are you already familiar with NC? (Trying to remember ....)
  5. I signed up for a fantasy league -- just to be sociable -- but that means I'll be caring about game results whether I want to or not. hehe
  6. Oh gosh, I do NOT have the patience for that. Can't be still that long.
  7. My backyard birds and I have each other trained. They have me frisbee-ing bread out to them at 8 in the morning, and this morning they flew down to it promptly and they stuck around to eat even when I clicked the window screen shut. (When we started this feeding ritual, that particular noise used to make them disperse briefly.)
  8. I used to collect owls when I was a kid. Never thought until just now about how I should add this to my old collection.
  9. Never been good at my own pop culture, but I adore retro pop culture.
  10. My mother's heart stopped right after she had my baby brother. She had an out-of-body experience, watching her body, watching the people leaving the room, watching someone finally notice what happened and then rushing back to resuscitate her. In our family discussions we spoke of that as her dying. Not to get all serious and all
  11. Wish I could crack the mystery of what it takes to get the pictures to look that good when they're that big.
  12. I used to have a million of 'em ... but I'm questioned out! LOL What did you used to have trouble with when you first started out? I remember for months (or maybe it was only weeks but felt like months) sorting through Jabos and wondering if I had come across a corkscrew and wondering if I would ever recognize it when I finally found one. Luckily, I actually did recognize it when I got my first.
  13. Half my family just moved to England! But I don't think they drink. So maybe I should have posted this in the Random Conversation thread.
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